Quote Originally Posted by mn0good View Post
Thanks, SL. In retrospect, I see what you're saying now, and you're right, there was a little confusion on my part. So I apologize for going on about it

I still think the word's a little strong!

But now I'm just being nitpicky, lol.
lol no problem, dual seeking is a tough one to get your mind around for sure. but, by compelled i mean that your situation will compel you to do something about it. this, coupled with your values will determine what you do.

like, for me, do i want to keep looking out of place and geeky in my professional role? no, especially since i value Si. do i want to eat mcdonald's for dinner every night? no, so if there is no Si dominant around to cook, i'm going to have to learn to cook myself. now maybe if i didn't value Si, i'd spend money on good food rather than cooking it myself, but since i value Si, i'm going to figure out how to put a good meal on the table.