Quote Originally Posted by Carla View Post
Maybe he was admiring the view.

OK, here's what I think. First guy, let's call him Fred, had just come upstairs from a party on the 39th floor. At the party, he'd met a girl, let's call her Jane. Now Jane had given Fred her number, but Fred already had a girlfriend named Mary. Fred told Jane this, and Jane went away, her pride hurt. She told her step-brother Max (the second guy). Max was a bit of an emotional lad, also a bit on the stupid side, but not a bad apple really.

So Fred goes up to the roof to get some air. While he's up there, he forgets Jane and admires the city lights view. Suddenly, Max appears. He approaches Fred, and has a verbal bash at him for hassling his sister. Only, Jane hadn't told Max the full story, had she. Jane had led Max to believe that it was Fred coming on to her. Fred tells this to Max, but Max calls Fred a liar. There's a bit of push and shove, and Max accidently gives Fred the 1-2-3, oops over the edge. Now whom is to blame for the tragic outcome? Max ... or Jane?
wow! That was amazing will you marry me Carla?