I believe in a Lifeforce...when you see the life drain out of a person until they become a dead form of themselves, it is clear that they have lost something which had once made something live.

Take the analogy of a battery attached to an Light Emitting Diode. The Light Emitting Diode glows for so long before eventually running of electricity.

Actually, when I put it like that, the Lifeforce I initially described doesn't seem so profound. The electricity has no Meaning.

I don't believe in god, but when I see the intelligent flicker in my eyes as I gaze longingly into a mirror, I'm not sure. "How could anything so wonderful be a mere mortal?", I say to myself. Others claimed I was an Egotist, but I did't respect their opinions. They didn't know me like I know me. I've never been like other Boys.

Once I broke a mirror in frustration...it broke into a million pieces. My Immortality was just an illusion.