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    Default My introductory thread.


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    Default Re: Everyone has a "first thread" sooner or later,

    Quote Originally Posted by UDP
    note: title should read "Everyone has a "first thread" sooner or later, xxTJ"
    'J' seems to be getting cut off
    I believe you can edit your first post and change the topic name.

    The most pressing issue I have is perhaps a manifestation of something that has been a part of my life for a while now. And in regards to typing, I really don't know how to classify myself.

    Whever I take any tests, and I have taken quite a few (though I will try some more of the ones listed in the different pages here), I usually come out as an INTJ, though usually about 60% introversion. (Oh, I should probably also say that I am new to this whole thing, so I really don't know a lot about the types, just some breif things about INTJs). When I took this sort of test as a child, I was fairly split between being introverted and extroverted, and some of that is coming back now.

    I know I'm a Tj, at the very least.
    (even though I liked English class a lot in High School..... I've come to realize that it was mostly a form of expressing my thoughts, and that quite frankly I despise artistic writting as a passtime; impractical. But I like to write my theories and such out.......)

    (This will probably be a very, very sporadic post, because even now I don't know how to arrange it, so, thanks for bearing with me)

    A while ago, less than a year, as most kids do, I was looking for something somewhere that seemed famliar to my own personlity type. Don't get me wrong, I rather liked being somewhat unique in my high school, or...... wherever else I was.... but I was just curious to see what was about. I stumbled on Chinese zodiac, and found myself to be somewhat similar to my year, the year of the Rabbit/Cat. But even then, that wasn't very...... ......I want to say "scientific", but...... I suppose I was really looking for something that had a little more practicality/weight to it, so I came to personality typing and such.

    (jumping around)

    So.... there are some things, I suppose, that I am wary about, because I like the idea of being an INTJ, but I really am not sure if I should address myself as such, or at least in this forum, I'll ask everyone's thoughts and such. I'm somewhat open, as you can see. I don't mind telling people things about myself, and sometimes I seem to enjoy it. But I am always ... careful about what I say. (sometimes, even...... being out in the open is the best way to stay hidden, perhaps).
    When I am in a very comfortable environment with people I know (about 4 people I am this way with, I suppose), I am very warm and light hearted.

    But then again.... especially lately...... I'm beginning to feel some 'INTJ vibes' when I am in more public places, and around people. I have ....... always been very much a person of solitude, both by choice and simple unavoidable circumstance. My mother was very independent, increidibly so, to be honest. SO I suppose I get a lot of it through interacting..... or....... not interacting with her. (She was never short on showing love, though). Anyhow...... yes, so lately....... I've just been feeling more and more like an INTJ, from what I've read about 'those types', heh.

    Things like not sleeping, or not eating
    (ding ding ding - I'm quite tired at the moment.... but I wan to get this post over with, you know...... )

    But, for an INTJ, I guess I have good taste. I like things that are visually appealing, and thought that is somewhat superficial, I admit to being that way sometimes. For instance, even though I'm a guy, I like to dress fairly well. (And for the longest time..... I've always been able to, for some reason, move about without being noticed, so that was never an issue with me. I'm learning to harness the power of 'chosing when to be noticed and when to go unnoticed.....)

    I'm finding that some of my personal perception is actually distorted. I think that, especially in these past few months while waiting for college ( leaving in 10 days), I've had a lot of solitude, and within it I've had a lot of time to consider things. But also...... I think, for a while, I wasquite distorted in that I began interpreting my own personal norms and thinking them the same as everyone elses. Like...... what I consider being "social" is probably less social, compared to the more general acceptance of those terms. What this is leading to, is.....

    I'm realizing lately that I am probably either one of these two things, or maybe even something in between, of course:

    I'm either more of an INTJ than I ever thought, or hardly one at all.
    But I suspect the first one....

    I don't think I every really fit into any one catagory or another, and I suppose some of that is by personal doings - I don't like to be associated to things that I don't really believe in, which....... is most everything.

    (but now that I'm coming to terms with more higher levels of thinking..... and seeing the connections more so, I wonder about my personality type, and how that may be changing)

    (I have no idea how I'm going to end this)

    Heh, I am quite tired.
    I suppose, and, I have considered this numerous times... that if I were really caught up on making a better first impression, that I would not post this now, and revise it all and such, blah blah blah. But for a number of reasons, I'll just leave it as is.
    I'm quite theoretical, obviously. I can't stand most fiction at all. I'm somewhat conceited, but open minded. Prideful, maybe even arrogant, but still... reserved I guess.

    Oh yes..... before I go,
    I was wondering about this, in regards to perhaps being an INTJ:
    INTjs are about self improvement, and advancements and such, right? Well, I fit in there. But I wonder.............. because, I have done some things to try to improve myself, in regards to being more social and stuff, and learning how to deal with situations and people in certain ways, and learning how to deal with emotions, and 'god forbid' my own emotions (ugh... now THIS is a story for when I have more... time... to talk about it.) BUt anyhow... I was wondering if an INTJ can 'improve' himself out of being an INTJ?

    (however, as I've said..........
    I think that last paragraph is a good example of my frame of refernce being blurred. ANd also..... there was a period of time where I tried to NOT be a certain way, so as to coutnerbalance my personality, and be the best me I coul dbe. However, as I have repeatedly said by now.... I'm feeling more and more INTJ-ness in myself.)

    I am quite certain... that this post refelcts some of this...... contradiction that I have been coming across in my own dealings.

    I guess, if anyone should actually read this, that I am looking for second opinions in regards to what my personality type is. Recently I have a much renewed interest in 'not' attaching myself to a lable, so I wonder if it is from that. Furthermore, though.... I wonder if I am still coming to terms with accepting myself as an INTJ. I've always thought of myself as one, since I've taken the tests and stuff. I see a lot of tendencies...... but.... well... I guess there has to be a reason for me to write all this out here, right? heh heh heh......

    so, what do you think?

    PS: let me try to say something else taht I think might be important...
    It is almost as if there were a period in my life, where I was very tentative about what sort of person I was going to be (note: I'm 18 now). So in all reality, I guess I'm quite young, and I guess that explains why I am recalling shifts in my personality. BUt, uh, as I was trying to say, I think..... for a while I tried repressing and expressing different parts of my personality. It was an interesting period. During that time, I noticed that I am not quite as one dimensional as I had been living for the entirity of my life up to that point, so it was somewhat surprising to me, to see things... or maybe even to feel things in such a different way. So I've done some different kinds of experiementation in that regard, but lately, especially, I'm feeling more and more at home when it comes to being an INTJ.

    I don't really realize how independant I am, I don't think, simply because I've always been that way. That's what I was trying to allude to at some point in this post. I'm still somewhat in a blind because my own environment has shaped me to be one way.... ah....... yes, that's a good way to explain it: I grew up naturally with lots of solitude, and being able to be independant (I made myself breakfast as a toddler before anyone else woke up ), but, naturally, I sought to fit in and stuff during my younger years. But now I guess I'm really coming away from that.

    And it is so strange for me to say this, because, really, not much has 'actually changed'. But I suppose the actually connection between 'who' I am and how I think about it all is coming about, and that, perhaps, is providing this sense of..... at peace with oneself.

    Damn, I really need to stop this post.
    It's not even that I enjoy talking about myself so much as I just want to .... try to communicate as best as possible, really. And I realize this now more so then ever. I don't mean to conclude that I am an INTJ, but I suppose in some ways I have. If nothing less........ I am really enjoying expressing the INTJ side of my personality in these days. It is very natural to me.

    ( I think I am also, subconsously, writting a longer introduction so that I can get it out of the way, too. ) (And the mental stimulation is invogorating, )

    Alright, this is the end.

    Thanks for reading.

    Goodnight/morning/whatever it is wherever you are.

    ISTj, Logical-sensory Introvert.

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

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    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    I'm not feeling the S at all. This screams INTj to me.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

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    Except that every other paragraph he criticized things that were "impractical", he claimed to be more self-centered, he didn't believe in any thing, he liked to organize "sensory" things, and that he didn't think ahead as to how long his post would be.

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

  5. #5
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    I agree with Rocky in that he doesn't sound INTj.

    Also, his concern about dressing well, and not caring about fiction -- not very INTj to me.

    Yet, he doesn't sound ISTj to me, either --

    Rocky, why not ISTp?
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  6. #6



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    Did you test as an INTJ or INTP in MBTI in high school. Or did you test in socionics?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    I agree with Rocky in that he doesn't sound INTj.

    Also, his concern about dressing well, and not caring about fiction -- not very INTj to me.

    Yet, he doesn't sound ISTj to me, either --

    Rocky, why not ISTp?
    ... I'm not sure about him being an ISTp. I'd say he's a type, first.

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

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    I am Idyosincratic in regard to Oldham's Styles, too, but this doesn not necessarily mean INTj.

    Generally, NT types are Idyosincratic towards culture.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

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    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    maybe estj.
    No I don't think so. I can't imagine an ESTj identifying to any great extent with the INTj profile in, unless it's an ESTj of extremely low self-awareness.

    I think he's an xNTx anyway, perhaps really an INTj.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

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    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    estjs are extremely un-self aware, too, though. like i see a lot of things in the intj profile that could easily apply to estjs.
    Such as? That's interesting.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

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    Well perhaps, but I also think that most thinker types with weak could relate to that to some extent.

    UDP said that he related the most to the first paragraph, which is more related to xNTxs and to which I don't think an ESTj would relate very much.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

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    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    maybe estj.
    Sorry, but I don't think he's an "E", anything. His entire post was through the personal perspective of introversion. That, and thinking, were the two clearest qualities.

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

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    You're a type.

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

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    And probably INTj indeed, then.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

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  28. #28
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    I think INTj, INTp, and ENTp are the least conforming types.

    Check out my Socionics group!

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  30. #30


    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    You're a type.
    I agree. I can feel it.

  31. #31
    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    Maybe a Logical-sub ENTp? He's got the shades...
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

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    Quote Originally Posted by gilligan87
    Maybe a Logical-sub ENTp? He's got the shades...
    No, he's not an Extravert at all. dominant for sure.

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

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    Q: Are you clumsy with anything it has to do with hands and it bothers you a lot or you find it particulary stressful? (note: it is important that you find it most stressful) Then you are an INTj.

    I'm sure INTjs and INFjs know what I'm talking about :wink:

    INTps have the related function (Se) in their subconcious, so it doesn't trouble them

    Also I'm not sure if you've seen this article

  34. #34



  35. #35


    lol I loved that post.

  36. #36



  37. #37



    Edit: + a side order of fries w/honey mustard sauce

    Summary: I thought it was a fun read especially with the additions of additions lol.

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    UDP - definitely P

    this makes you either INTp or introverted ENTp, i think the latter.

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    INTjs are stiff especially with how much they say, so this one must have had verbal diarrhea, right?


    Quote Originally Posted by UDP
    (hmm, I suppose this is more of an introduction than a ...... a question and answer.......)

    I wonder what I really should write in this space.

    I suppose I am currently attempting to distinguish myself as a personality type, but am finding it somewhat inconclusive or at least not certain that I fit in one or another. Right now, I am wondering if it is possible to have a personality that is more than just one type, or perhaps if there is a more accurate measure, I don't know.

    I'm wondering how much of an INTJ I am.
    I believe I was an INTp for a short while ago, (I'm 18), so it was during my highschool years. Coming out from that time, as most people do, I'm really exploring myself, and I'm seeing that I have a lot of different directions I can go, but in doing so, I am trying to become aware of my more truer self, or personality type perhaps, so that I can use that information to help direct things.

    Short note: For 2 years, my rolemodle was an INTp. I was somewhat fascinated by this person, because it was someone who was very similar to myself in many ways. But then over time, I became.... dissatisfied with with the negativity involved in that character or person. It became reduntand, and, fueling myself on negative energy in such a way was.... depressing. I've really grown to the aspect of being more unemotional.

    I believe I was very much as an INTp, though, but my confidences have grown...
    3. Ascetic. He appears extremely uncompromising, often looks down with a piercing look from under his philosopher’s forehead. He toughens himself, training for the cold, starvation, losses and disapproval of others. ( )
    ^ this is a great tendency of mine. I dislike buying things, in general.

    However, I have a few nice articles of clothing that I like very much. All gifts, though. I suppose it is a tendancy of mine to have a nice jacket, and wear it often. As I have mentioned throughout this thread, during the times I am not 'dressed for success' (I'm making fun of that term), I can be quite unconcerned of my appearance. So it is.... somewhat of a contradiction. I suppose it is useful for me to say that I do not see dressing well as a requirement for my happiness, nor do I base much off of such a thing. But I do not see it unreasonable to put a minute effort in one's appearance, when I get around to it. Ah yes, I suppose that is a good way to say it.

    However, I believe I've spent quite a disproportinate amount of words talking about "dressing" and thelikes. Because it is something that I know, a logic and or concept that I have learned through various experiences, I seek to apply it. I think that is part of it all, too. But who knows, perhaps I really am not an INTj. I've tested as an xxTj once, but I think I should retake that test again...
    Quote Originally Posted by UDP
    I don't believe I will be posting in that way quite often.
    However, it is interesting to consider others reactions.
    I wonder how much I have balanced out what I've said though, because subconsciously I didn't want to sound too much like an INTJ, nor too little, so it's very.... influnced. And also, I am different online, as opposed to real life., in several aspects.

    This place looks pretty interesting, though. I will explore it a little more, and, perhaps overtime, things will become more clear (in many places). I don't seem to fit into catagories very well, but then again I do sometimes.

    Thanks for reading.
    Quote Originally Posted by UDP
    Also... I'm coming out of an emotional 2 year period in my life where a lot of things have been changing frequently, and I think now that such a period is over, I'm really beginning to discover who 'I' am, so to say.

    One last thing: I have a sense of... 'improvement' that extends to all phases of myself. I realize I am inherently anti-social, and I...... really wonder if I am perhaps more antisocial than I realize. I think I am suceptible to having limited experience in this area, as I may have alluded to in my initial post.

    Also, his concern about dressing well, and not caring about fiction -- not very INTj to me.

    Right now, I haven't shaved for more than a few days, and I could be.... much more dapper than I am presently. However, I am quite aware of the effects of how one presents oneself. As far as fiction goes........ to tell you the truth, I used to find it very interesting. But I am... pulling away from it somewhat. I don't really care about trivialities, however, I am a dreamer in some regards. At this point in my life, though, I am not focusing on that area, though. I've put some Finality to my Fantasies.... for the time being.

    One of the more.... painful things I've dealt with was trying to make a 'dream' into reality, but in a very..... unwise way. I was too ignorant of things, and I didn't succeed. But I feel it was a very good learning experience. Are INTJs visionaries? Or is that an inspecific trait.

    And as far as thinking ahead...

    heh, well, I won't get into that right now..
    Quote Originally Posted by UDP

    1. "I think therefore I am". He is a man of developed logical faculty, a strong capability for analysis. He knows how to dig to the essence of things, to reveal their internal structure. "Providence has created myself for quiet study work, to which it dedicated all the rapture of my soul", – said Thomas Jefferson, during whose presidency the territory of the US has grown nearly double. He considers all situations of life from the logical viewpoint.
    I generally comply with that

    2. "Justice is my trade". This is a type of a revolutionary or a political conspirator. In a conflict situation he usually organizes a committee to punish the offender. He believes that everything in the world must be logical and consequently just. He is capable of neglecting his own profit and safety when defending the offended. He sets for himself very high requirements. Unless somebody else takes care of him, he can easily drive himself to starvation. Garibaldi, Robespierre, Dzierzhynski, Jefferson are revolutionaries who devoted themselves to an idea.
    Yes... I supppose this is the best description of this aspect of my personality that I've ever found. (yes, sometimes I only eat once a day, which is... not so great). But more so, I have, for so very long, been looking for something that I can devote myself to in such a way.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    he didn't believe in any thing
    There is nothing I believe in, so much as to something I can devote myself to. I see a few things, but, in my immediate life, there is nothing, so I am still searching. Searching for some revoloution? I don't know. Evoloution, perhaps..

    3. Ascetic. He appears extremely uncompromising, often looks down with a piercing look from under his philosopher’s forehead. He toughens himself, training for the cold, starvation, losses and disapproval of others. The only aspect where he willingly concedes to his partner is the issue of dressing, taste and routine chores. The necessity to be responsible for these things irritates him. Usually he even does not notice the quality of his clothing. He does not tolerate orders. His dual The Bonvivant, as if being aware of that, involves him into work not by direct orders but begins to fuss about, to make a lot of unnecessary movements – then The Analyst gets involved, and the work goes rapidly, logically and soundly. He himself does not show much initiative, is reclusive and silent.
    Hmm, I am somewhat artistic, though I cannot paint or draw or anything like that. I just select things that I think well go well, and feel I have a good judgement in that regard. But.. when it comes to making things look nice or whatever, I don't really bother. My room is somewhat of a mess, but I know where everything is. And cleaning now and then is nice. I am somewhat of a health nut, sometimes. Well, I mean, I'm not a total neat freak (that would be my mother), but I am very conscientious about what I eat, and my habits.

    4. Somewhat tender and capricious. His self-sacrifice in defending justice becomes especially mind-boggling, if one knows that he feels irritated by everything that disturbs silence and the measured way of his life. He is very concerned about living healthy. Thusly Rene Descartes "considered health as the principal of mortal goods second to the Truth". In his youth he often tends to a cheerful lifestyle with many friends, games of chance, booze. Later he comes to the conclusion that all those things are something other than what he really needs. He is not very ambitious but he does not tolerate when others get ahead of him in their career, out of the same feeling of justice. He finds himself in an especially hard situation when having to obey a boss whom he does not respect.
    Very much so.

    5. "He led a happy life who sheltered himself well". He is very secretive, dislikes uninvited visitors. He sharply reacts to reprimands, but sometimes hides his irritation under an artificial smile.
    ..... I am really cold to new people. I don't neccesarily intend to be mean, and make efforts to at least be civilized. Heh, and that bit about reprimands is also very much myself. I do not at all like it when people show up unexpectedly.

    My openness is rather interesting. I write online a fair amount, but.... I don't consider these words here to really be very telling.

    I am looking at INTps... which, I believe I was at some point in my life, especially in highschool, or at least the first fewyears of it....

    Maximilian Robespierre - the leader of the Great French Revolution (1789 - 1794).
    ..... I was born on the same day, May 6, if that means anything.....[/quote]

    Quote Originally Posted by UDP
    Quote Originally Posted by Expat

    Rocky, why not ISTp?

    Though I suppose I can be lazy at times, and talkative with the 4 people on my inner circle.......
    I really don't think I am an ISTp.
    Talented laziness. Unlike The Searcher, he will scarcely spend his energy for futile work. He is a born inventor, but he does not hurry with the implementation of his ideas, until conditions for maximum effect will ripen. He is proud of his capability of not doing unnecessary things; adores comfort and conveniences. When performing common tasks together with somebody else, everything very easily and without pressure from his side goes the way he likes. All space accessible to him is organized ideally for work and rest. He is an aesthete who completely trusts his taste. He dresses very neatly, with taste, but as a rule not challenging convention. His skin is sensible: "a princess on a pea" must have been said about a woman of this type.
    Heh heh heh heh..... I still have a tendancy to continue onward when I am tired, so in my initial post perhaps I emphasized dressing well too much. Hedonistic... I really prefer not to be, in regards to indulging one's senses. I can appreciate music, and am sensual to a certain extent, sure.

    Perhaps it would be helpful to say this: I dress in my own way because that's how I like to dress. It just so happens that they fit in within the typical conditions of 'dressing well', yet this is only in the relative instances of when I am actually putting on cloths, or more so, going out into the world. I know my style. But... I am not very concerned with it, otherwise.

    Maybe this is an aspect of my pride, I don't really know. Or some other manifestation of individuality. Or perhaps I have issues with quality. hmm.......

    He is proud of his capability of not doing unnecessary things
    ... I don't like to be that lazy, to the extent of pride in such a thing.
    Quote Originally Posted by UDP
    Quote Originally Posted by Zeia
    Did you test as an INTJ or INTP in MBTI in high school. Or did you test in socionics?

    Well, all my tests have come out as INTJ, but those were all within the last year or so. Both MBTI andsocionics, I believe. As for when I was younger, in middle school, I forgot what I was, but I'll see if I can find it again.

    But my life was very different then, as it is so for most young people, perhaps


    For what it's worth,] this page's description is fairly accurate.
    Especially the first paragraph on how I tend to think and such

    However, I am observant of what people dress. Maybe it an idiosyncraticfor me, even though I am an INTj. Regardless of whatever I am or may be, I think fitting into a catagory is rather unneccesary. Especially at this point in my life, where ..... I am greatly in control of how I want to act.

    I'm pretty sure I have an INTj base self (based on several tests and even more discriptions), because that is ultimately what I come back to when I am through with whatever process I'm going through. But I have a lot of idiosyncrasies, and, right now at least, I don't see a reason to limit myself to acting in one way or one personality type.

    I can understand emotions somewhat.

    Personality test center
    Personality type results

    EI: 16 out of 17
    Extrovert |-------------------------------------------------| Introvert
    SN: 13 out of 17
    Sensation |-------------------------------------------------| iNtuition
    TF: 6 out of 17
    Thinking |-------------------------------------------------| Feeling
    JP: 7 out of 17
    Judging |-------------------------------------------------| Perceiving

    Your Personality type is INTJ

    Please print this page and keep a copy for your records.

    I think part of my extroversion is really a factor of my confidence, in that I'm not scared to go out in a crowd or talk to people. I just don't prefer it. And yes, I despise small talk, and find it hard when I have to endure conversations that are about something totally irrelevant to me. I always end up connectiong to theories I have or something, but I've learned to observe and makes sure the person is capable/worthy of talking to about such things, or if it is a complete waste. I am not ........ against learning new things in order to improve myself or my existance or so forth, and I think human progression is a valuable thing, onall levels, and for everyone.

    I don't know if I am quite introverted to 94%...... but I may be, if you look at introversion as how much one bases their actions off of their own thoughts, beliefs, etc. I expand and change my thoughts and beliefs from time to time, but I am not influenced by other people very much at all. And yes, as according to this:

    Oldham Style: Idiosyncratic
    Basic Pleasure Basic Fear
    non-conformity conformity
    I do take great pleasure in being myself and not conforming

    Perhaps even so much that Ilike to be different from an INTJ in some ways, I don't know. Perhaps, subconsicously, I am even highlighting my own subtle differences from 'regular' INTjs..... to futher my 'uniqueness'

    Heh heh heh.......

    I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case.
    Whatever the case, I really suppose I am done with this thread as far as describing myself. There is no way I canreally do such with simple words on teh simple internet. "Based on my past experience", heh, it just doesn'twork very well.

    However, I appreciate the insights and comments of everyone else.
    Looks to be an interesting place here.........
    Quote Originally Posted by UDP
    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    I am Idyosincratic in regard to Oldham's Styles, too, but this doesn not necessarily mean INTj.

    Generally, NT types are Idyosincratic towards culture.
    Heh well, there you go.
    I like to dress well, because so many people around me dress really poorly, in my opinion. And dressing well was rather radical, in my school. (It was quite Ironic because I was one of the more financially disadvanteged kids in the whole school system. And a lot of rich suburban kids went to my school, so..... ) ........ needless to say, I did enjoy a great deal when I decided to be my unique self, heh heh heh :evil:

    I am quite........ against most mainstream anything. And I dislike affiliation, of course. Etc etc etc......


    In middles school, I was right in the middle between E and I. However, I don't see myself as being extoverted very much. I wonder if it is mostly my exroverted thinking that is picked up on the "extroversion rader", perhaps. Or maybe I am so introverted that I really just don't care about other people at all, in regars to speaking when I want to speak, speaking to someone?
    I don't know.

    One thing is for sure: I can go for days without talking to many people, sometimes only one person for a little bit, and maintain my composure and sanity perfectly well.

    However, I am coming to a point in my life where..... doing things internally is only half the battle. The real challenge is communicating with other people, and trying to exchange information properly. So I suppose my sociality is rather.... relevant. If it is purposeful, then I can be social. If not, then....... I'll just do my own thing. Which , of course, is rewarding. I suppose I really am doing my own thing either way, hmm.....
    Quote Originally Posted by UDP
    One thing that probably makes me a bit abnormal for INTJs, as I just remembered from writitng a post in another thread here, in that Alpha forum, I believe.....

    Is that 2 years ago I was head overheels in love.
    (which was incredibly difficult for me to accept, but to be honest, that's just how it was, and I can't really avoid it or deny it. Whether it was a mistake or not, I don't know. But it was one hell of a learning experience..... and in the end I think it was very good for me)

    It wasn't exactly a true relationship, but I was totally floored by "feelings" that I had inside me. (I used to believe love was nonexistent, and that all emotions were rather..... false.......). But I was changed from that experience, so...... I suppose I am more emotionally aware because of that.

    I certainly am not going to get into it too much, for as open as I may be, that's just not anyone's business except for hers and mine. But I will say that prior to that point, I had never, ever had a girlfriend or was much social at all. I nfact, that whole period, 2 years ago, when I was 16, was a major change in my life. Despite the.... painful/rewarding emotoinal experience it was, ultimately, I believe it made me realize I was an INTJ. Because after it was through, I realized that I do have emotions and such... yet................ I don't really care for them, or at least to spend time and energy on them.

    I prefer my theories and such.

    But I'm gald that I know what I am capable of, should I ever meet someone that I actually feel like opening up to (which, especially after the first experience, will be very, very , very rare for me). I am glad, though, because in the future, I will know my cards before placing a bet, so to say. ugh...... that is totally not INTJ..... and it stays with me still.


    I think I am quite introverted, because I use "I" a lot in my postings. Not so much in conversation, though, but then again, perhaps. But defintely online. Though, it is sometrhing I am monitoring, so sometimes I consciously change it. As you may have noticed though, I have not changed anything at all in regards to my postings on this site
    Quote Originally Posted by UDP
    Oh yes......... and I suppose this goes along with the whole anti-conformity thing.....

    I have a tendancy to take the opposite position as everyone else in a certain situation. There are many reasons behind it, but.... I know that has always been a part of my personality. I remember being in kindergaden and elementary school..... and being that way.

    If people were talkative, I'd be quite (which, obviously, more people were talkative)

    If people were unhappy, I'd feel more compelled to be happy. (I like winter a lot, and most everyone around me has disliked it, though I do enjoy meeting people nowadays, who share my adoration of the coldest season).

    If people were slacking off in gym class, that would make me try to inspire them. There are many gym class stories.....

    Eh, but...... I'm sure I have spoken plenty about myself. Too much of that is.... not enjoyable for me, even being somewhat open. Heh heh heh..

    This is a pretty interesting site, though I wonder how much I will post here.
    Quote Originally Posted by UDP
    I certainly am not conforming to normal hours of sleeping these days...
    Quote Originally Posted by UDP
    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    Quote Originally Posted by gilligan87
    Maybe a Logical-sub ENTp? He's got the shades...
    No, he's not an Extravert at all. dominant for sure.
    I wasn't always a dominant person. But I really have felt and noticed a shift in my personality over the last year.... But....Yeah, I..... am that way now.

    Shades are because I'm conceited and arrogant, and like the .... protection of/from gaze...... that comes from shades. It's a part of being guarded, somewhat (though I don't mind eye contact as much as I used to. In fact, I like it a lot sometimes). Especially for my first photo here... I always start with sunglasses, and then if I'm comfortable.... well...... we'll see what happens Maybe I will take them off someday

    Yes, I can be clumsy somewhat with my hands. Especially if I've been typing a lot, and when I was younger, I would play video games a lot, so that would just wear out or tense up the muscles, on top of all that.

    If anyone knows about Wing Chun, and Chi Sao (i'm not dropping names or anything, my dad just happens to be a martial arts teacher (somewhat of an "ugh"), but... things like that, where there is sensitivity in the hands involved and stuff....... took me forever to get used to. I still don't like contact in that way, but over the years I've gotten a little more used to it.

    I'm good with my hands in some ways, but....

    my handwrittinglooks like shit, becuase not only do I write fast, but I generally don't write for other people, and trying to make it look nice is somewhat futile, because I don't really like to be that way, unless I have to be (though I think, after some conscious efforts, I've figured a way to... make it look decent, sort of, sometimes). Perhaps if I'm drawing a diagram or something....but that's what straight edgesare for, and other assorted tools and such, right...?

    Oh yeah, and yesterday erased all doubts of me being an E type.... Big crowd downstairs, and I was in a rushed mood to get to that location, so when I go there, I said my hellos and just spent the rest of that time period up stairs, alone. It was first out of sheer discomfort, andthen by choice, and by time I felt like going back downagain and "dealingwith people", it was already time for people to leave, so, I guess it didn't make much of a difference.

    Somedays are verymuch like that... though I can see that it is mostly when I am rushed and unprepared, or both, or especially so if I know that Iwas outof place or something was troubling me before hand.
    Also, two INTjs or two INTps can co-exist quite peacefully, whereas an INTj and an INTp do not make a very promising combination. Join any INTj discussion forum or mailing list and you can see this Quasi-identical tension for yourself. This is because there are many INTps among those INTjs.
    I have evidence in other forums of not getting along with a certain INTp. Well, a few of them, actually...... hmm............................
    But let's not forget that type is not about how you behave, it is about how your psyche is structured, which in return influences your behaviour in one way or another.
    Ah... I think sometimes I may act like an INTp, in some areas of my life, and especially the past. But I think that that statement is another push in the INTj difection for me.
    Let's take a look at INTj's main function - introverted thinking (). INTjs are mainly interested in accumulating an understanding. They want to know why and what causes things happen the way they happen. They want to know and see the logic behind everything. If "it" does not contradict logic then "it" is right, otherwise "it" is wrong. INTps on the other hand seem to be logical too as their second strong function is extroverted thinking (). However, if for INTjs it is about gaining understanding, for INTps it is about exercising their knowledge, and therefore they mostly concern themselves with known facts. Moreover, INTj's logic is their area of confidence and conservatism. This makes their logic fundamental, meaning once the rules are established, they can be applied anywhere. INTps logic is their area of creativity. This makes their logic circumstantial and unpredictable - the rules apply here but may not apply there.
    What a fine paragraph. Then yes, definitely an INTj in those regards. I cannot stand those "intp types" with their circumstancial rules and logics. Even when I assess beauty or art, there are standards. ANd I look at things in a very universal way. And furthermore, since I have developed that (once shadowed and on the backburner) side of my personality, my confidence has grown a great deal, mostly over the last year.
    And since you can believe in things that are not necessarily there or actually true, INTps criticise a lot. As for INTjs, their intuition is their second strong function, which is extroverted intuition (). Extroverted intuition is about perspective and potential and because it is INTj's creative output, their "creations" could be very unexpected and original, often bearing a high potential for future development. So, combining two and two together, INTjs are in their element when involved with science, invention, innovation, discovery, theory, explanation, interpretation, philosophy etc. INTps are in their element when involved with business, enterprise, commerce, industry, trade, financial institutions, church etc.
    I can be critical in some ways, but that's mostly when I think people are slacking. The INTj description here fits my personality and psyche well enough,I believe. Especially theory, inventions, innnovation, explanation, interpretation, philosophy........etc.............

    (Having reviewed this entire post....... it makes me think of my neighbor, reading this section again. He is rather obese, and he is lazy. So I am quite critical of him, though.... I've been getting better at it. I held back for so long, and then let it out, and then went a little too far perhaps, so.... I'm trying to be less that way. But.... being unhealthily obese, when it is something you can control (and I have to see him eat, in the same room .......) well lets just say, that in that other thread, I said I was slightly prejudiced against fat people, i am so for a reason........................................)

    Another comparison will be between Dual-seeking functions. INTps are looking out for extroverted sensing (), INTjs are looking out for extroverted feeling (). Since both functions are the subconscious functions, they are likely to influence the subconscious choices. INTps would want to go power driven, moneymaking, sometimes risky places, whereas INTjs would prefer a happy, cheerful and exciting surrounding.
    Definitely more INTj on this one, too. I don't like depressing places and the likes.
    The last comparison - "Hidden agenda". This is what people hide from other people, because it is very sensitive area of one's psyche. If the main function is like a geometric cone firmly standing on its base, the hidden agenda is like the same cone standing on its tip that one is trying to balance. For INTjs their introverted sensing () is their nightmare. Introverted sensing is mainly about the body, its functions, sensory perceptions etc. The only way they can balance that cone is for them to be physically healthy and if this is not that important to you, you are most probably not INTj. INTps are also trying to balance this cone on its head when it comes to introverted feeling (). Introverted feeling is love, affection, morality etc. It is important for an INTp to be involved with someone, to have an object of affection, to like people. If this doesn't concern you, you are probably a type other than INTp.
    ..... I am rather ..... wary of my health.... Vitamins, fruit juices, greens.... I feel uneasy when I know I have not exercised in a while.....
    (even before I knew about stuff....... I always hated the taste of fat on meats (like on a steak or something like that), and never ate/eat it. And then when I learned about fat being...... fat... I really disliked it. But I have a really high metabolism as it is, so it's weird, I guess....)

    And I cannot stand it when people smoke around me, or other foolish habbits like that. I'm not good about sleeping habits, l ately, though....

    NOise pollution, too :angry:

    Oh yeah, two more things
    1 - I picked up some books on how to run properly at the library
    2 - I figured out why I don't like fictional literature: It is so very redundant in it's approach and style for me.


    whereas INTjs would prefer a happy, cheerful and exciting surrounding.
    When I was given the oppertunity to paint the bedroom walls any color I wanted at my stepmothers house, I selected 4 different colors, one for each wall. THey are mostly all an the warmer side: a "Wedding white"; a summery, goldenyellow; a purish orange; and a powerful red (they are not my favorite (though red and white are colors I like as per my favorite team, and red isan overall favorite, though I like many colours....), and I would probably choose different if given the choice today, but I still believe them to be nice colors and generally find my room to be a pleasant area, at least in regards to the colors of the walls). The ceiling is a typical white. I wanted to pick differnt colors, because, prior to this, all the walls wherever I was had been "off white". So........ And I will say, that those colors do look pretty good altogether in the same room.

    I really don't think it's too weird, but apparently some people were quite intriguedby it. Heh- here is one specific example- I remember the day I went and picked out the paints........ they guy at the mixer said "And these are going to be in a bedroom I don't think you'll be getting any sleep in there!" I was quite old enough yet at the time to be considered a great sexual being, so he was clearly questioning my ability to sleep in a room with 4 different colors.

    Apparently there was no consideration that I may, perhaps, turn out the lights when I sleep. Oh well. Just one of those little anecdots that has stayed with me through the years of my relatively short life.


    INTjs are in their element when involved with science, invention, innovation, discovery, theory, explanation,
    I'm an explainer.......

    PPS: I suppose that is a dense, thorough post...
    Quote Originally Posted by UDP
    Quote Originally Posted by Jadae
    lol I loved that post.
    Hmm..... I wonder how I should take that...

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