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Thread: does this reveal anything about Si?

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    Default does this reveal anything about Si?

    Just when I thought I'd finally settled on a type, I am starting to doubt that I'm Si-valuing, let alone being an INFj.

    I'm going to recall something that happened last night, when I was with my friends, and I want to know whether the incident is in anyway relevant to Si (because I realise that I may be falling into thinking about these things in a stereotypical/superficial way).

    Three of my friends and I try to meet up every week or so for band practice. Apart from me, there are two guys (ISFp and INTj) and one girl (not sure of her type, I thought ENFp, but ISFp or even ENTp is possible I guess. Si valuing I think - I'll call her Friend A)

    For the past few weeks, we haven't had the whole band there because everyone seems to be busy with their uni work. Anyway, this week, finally, we managed to get everyone to turn up. We agreed to have it from 6:30 to 9:30 (I would have preferred longer, since I wanted to make the most of everyone being there, but we had restrictions). The ISFp had told us that he wouldn't be able to cook this time, so Friend A, who was craving seafood apparently, decided to pick up dinner for all of us beforehand. I wouldn't have minded making sandwiches (because its quick and easy), but the INTj would have made a huge fuss about how sandwhiches aren't dinner food, and how he can't function without a good dinner.

    This is where I start feeling very different to the rest of them. Friend A arrives 40 minutes late, meaning our already too-short practice is cut down to under 3 hours. She brings with her a huge pile of seafood (way too much, considering the lack of time, and also pretty expensive, considering they all say they don't have enough money to buy some of the equipment we need), and the ISFp and INTj start to salivate and gush over it. "Ohhhhh thanks so much for buying all this, it looks delicious, you really didn't have to". This is despite the ISFp previously feeling sympathetic about my annoyance at the her being late. I secretly resent his lack of consistency.

    We sit down to eat dinner and they all start discussing the food and how good it is. It seems to me as if the whole point of meeting tonight was to eat dinner, not to work on our music, which is annoying. I encourage them to eat quickly so we can start doing something productive. They don't really listen to me/take me seriously, because I'm always saying things like that. The INTj finishes his dinner quickly enough (by his standards), but the other two are intent on devouring the whole pile of food. They've had enough but the food is apparently so good that they want to keep eating (like I said, there was too much).

    After I finish eating I go into our practice room and start working on stuff by myself. It takes about 10 minutes for the others to finish eating. By now we have under 2 hours to work on stuff, which is really annoying because it's uncertain when we'll next be able to meet with the whole group present. The ISFp says he feels really tired after eating dinner and lounges around looking really unmotivated. Friend A starts to complain about feeling bloated and nauseous after eating too much food. I tell them they all lack foresight, and they laugh and agree.

    So thats the end of the story. This wasn't a one off thing, because everytime we meet up, the focus seems to be on sitting around, joking and eating food, rather than actually working on stuff.

    I appreciate anyone having read through it, if it didn't bore you to death. Are there any socionics related insights (particularly related to Si) that could be gleaned from this, or was I just being a bitch?

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    thanks esper, I appreciate it. Its not like I don't enjoy sitting around a table and eating food with my friends, but its just that we had other stuff to do and we were lacking time, so it was a bit frustrating that eating seemed to be the priority of everyone else.

    I was just wondering though whether my reaction would be more expected of an ILI (or gamma NT in general) than an EII? Or whether what I wrote doesn't actually reveal anything useful either way...?

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    Quote Originally Posted by hellothere View Post

    I appreciate anyone having read through it, if it didn't bore you to death. Are there any socionics related insights (particularly related to Si) that could be gleaned from this, or was I just being a bitch?
    I don't think it means that you don't value Si; it seems to mean that you care more about the band practice than they do; and perhaps that you care more about Te than they.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

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    Quote Originally Posted by hellothere View Post
    Just when I thought I'd finally settled on a type, I am starting to doubt that I'm Si-valuing, let alone being an INFj.

    I'm going to recall something that happened last night, when I was with my friends, and I want to know whether the incident is in anyway relevant to Si (because I realise that I may be falling into thinking about these things in a stereotypical/superficial way).

    Three of my friends and I try to meet up every week or so for band practice. Apart from me, there are two guys (ISFp and INTj) and one girl (not sure of her type, I thought ENFp, but ISFp or even ENTp is possible I guess. Si valuing I think - I'll call her Friend A)

    For the past few weeks, we haven't had the whole band there because everyone seems to be busy with their uni work. Anyway, this week, finally, we managed to get everyone to turn up. We agreed to have it from 6:30 to 9:30 (I would have preferred longer, since I wanted to make the most of everyone being there, but we had restrictions). The ISFp had told us that he wouldn't be able to cook this time, so Friend A, who was craving seafood apparently, decided to pick up dinner for all of us beforehand. I wouldn't have minded making sandwiches (because its quick and easy), but the INTj would have made a huge fuss about how sandwhiches aren't dinner food, and how he can't function without a good dinner.

    This is where I start feeling very different to the rest of them. Friend A arrives 40 minutes late, meaning our already too-short practice is cut down to under 3 hours. She brings with her a huge pile of seafood (way too much, considering the lack of time, and also pretty expensive, considering they all say they don't have enough money to buy some of the equipment we need), and the ISFp and INTj start to salivate and gush over it. "Ohhhhh thanks so much for buying all this, it looks delicious, you really didn't have to". This is despite the ISFp previously feeling sympathetic about my annoyance at the her being late. I secretly resent his lack of consistency.

    We sit down to eat dinner and they all start discussing the food and how good it is. It seems to me as if the whole point of meeting tonight was to eat dinner, not to work on our music, which is annoying. I encourage them to eat quickly so we can start doing something productive. They don't really listen to me/take me seriously, because I'm always saying things like that. The INTj finishes his dinner quickly enough (by his standards), but the other two are intent on devouring the whole pile of food. They've had enough but the food is apparently so good that they want to keep eating (like I said, there was too much).

    After I finish eating I go into our practice room and start working on stuff by myself. It takes about 10 minutes for the others to finish eating. By now we have under 2 hours to work on stuff, which is really annoying because it's uncertain when we'll next be able to meet with the whole group present. The ISFp says he feels really tired after eating dinner and lounges around looking really unmotivated. Friend A starts to complain about feeling bloated and nauseous after eating too much food. I tell them they all lack foresight, and they laugh and agree.

    So thats the end of the story. This wasn't a one off thing, because everytime we meet up, the focus seems to be on sitting around, joking and eating food, rather than actually working on stuff.

    I appreciate anyone having read through it, if it didn't bore you to death. Are there any socionics related insights (particularly related to Si) that could be gleaned from this, or was I just being a bitch?
    I found it amusing because I have intj, isfp and esfj friends and they sort of drive me crazy sometimes. In all honesty, I would think that an EII should be more annoyed by their whole Ti/Fe thing because those are the unvalued functions that cause irritation. I also find alpha's tendency to be all about sensorial pleasure a bit too much but that for me is far less annoying and more of a common trait than their annoying Fe/Ti functions. I don't like the whole atmosphere where you always have to be artificially cheerful...

    So I'm thinking that if you are an EII, logically their Fe/Ti should bother you more than the Si. Though EII's can also get fed up with too much Si, I mean it is only the 6th function and too much of it feels that it's overdone...

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    oh yeah, interactions with the ISFp in particularly have revealed to me that I'm a Te/Fi type, but I'm not sure whether my annoyance was because of not valuing Si or because of the lack of Te from everyone else - or whether it was unrelated to these things.

    but anyway thanks for the input! also thanks again esper, and also unefille and Expat, its been helpful

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    Quote Originally Posted by Carla View Post
    Of course sandwiches aren't dinner food. Let's see: mashed potato, green beans, corn on the cob, gravy, red capsicum and a T-bone steak. A glass of orange juice and some chocolate mud cake with vanilla ice-cream for dessert. I am now salivating.
    lol, I wonder if it is a cultural thing. I could easily eat a nice sandwich or two for dinner.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Carla View Post
    Perhaps if it was a toasted pumpkin and fetta sandwich ... or, the other day I had a brie and pear sandwich. It was the weirdest combination, but it tasted really good.
    sounds tasty ... was it sweet? where do they sell these sandwhiches?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    I don't think it means that you don't value Si; it seems to mean that you care more about the band practice than they do; and perhaps that you care more about Te than they.
    agreed. You just seemed to value the practice and group atmosphere at a different level than them. Don't let such specific things shake your conception of your type. btw, noticing that you have "EII or ILI" listed in your profile, I'd vote EII 100%.

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    Quote Originally Posted by hellothere View Post
    Just when I thought I'd finally settled on a type, I am starting to doubt that I'm Si-valuing, let alone being an INFj.

    I'm going to recall something that happened last night, when I was with my friends, and I want to know whether the incident is in anyway relevant to Si (because I realise that I may be falling into thinking about these things in a stereotypical/superficial way).

    Three of my friends and I try to meet up every week or so for band practice. Apart from me, there are two guys (ISFp and INTj) and one girl (not sure of her type, I thought ENFp, but ISFp or even ENTp is possible I guess. Si valuing I think - I'll call her Friend A)

    For the past few weeks, we haven't had the whole band there because everyone seems to be busy with their uni work. Anyway, this week, finally, we managed to get everyone to turn up. We agreed to have it from 6:30 to 9:30 (I would have preferred longer, since I wanted to make the most of everyone being there, but we had restrictions). The ISFp had told us that he wouldn't be able to cook this time, so Friend A, who was craving seafood apparently, decided to pick up dinner for all of us beforehand. I wouldn't have minded making sandwiches (because its quick and easy), but the INTj would have made a huge fuss about how sandwhiches aren't dinner food, and how he can't function without a good dinner.

    This is where I start feeling very different to the rest of them. Friend A arrives 40 minutes late, meaning our already too-short practice is cut down to under 3 hours. She brings with her a huge pile of seafood (way too much, considering the lack of time, and also pretty expensive, considering they all say they don't have enough money to buy some of the equipment we need), and the ISFp and INTj start to salivate and gush over it. "Ohhhhh thanks so much for buying all this, it looks delicious, you really didn't have to". This is despite the ISFp previously feeling sympathetic about my annoyance at the her being late. I secretly resent his lack of consistency.

    We sit down to eat dinner and they all start discussing the food and how good it is. It seems to me as if the whole point of meeting tonight was to eat dinner, not to work on our music, which is annoying. I encourage them to eat quickly so we can start doing something productive. They don't really listen to me/take me seriously, because I'm always saying things like that. The INTj finishes his dinner quickly enough (by his standards), but the other two are intent on devouring the whole pile of food. They've had enough but the food is apparently so good that they want to keep eating (like I said, there was too much).

    After I finish eating I go into our practice room and start working on stuff by myself. It takes about 10 minutes for the others to finish eating. By now we have under 2 hours to work on stuff, which is really annoying because it's uncertain when we'll next be able to meet with the whole group present. The ISFp says he feels really tired after eating dinner and lounges around looking really unmotivated. Friend A starts to complain about feeling bloated and nauseous after eating too much food. I tell them they all lack foresight, and they laugh and agree.

    So thats the end of the story. This wasn't a one off thing, because everytime we meet up, the focus seems to be on sitting around, joking and eating food, rather than actually working on stuff.

    I appreciate anyone having read through it, if it didn't bore you to death. Are there any socionics related insights (particularly related to Si) that could be gleaned from this, or was I just being a bitch?
    my mil is definitely EII. no question....what SO EVER. and this sounds like her to a T! even your quote screams of her way of seeing things. yes, don't doubt your type based on individual events. overall, things fall into place for a reason and your reason for this thing that happened sounds very EII to me.


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    hey, thanks for the input strrrng and dbmmama

    out of curiosity, who is mil (or "your mil" - sorry if this is some common abbreviation and I'm just being ignorant)?

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    Quote Originally Posted by hellothere View Post
    hey, thanks for the input strrrng and dbmmama

    out of curiosity, who is mil (or "your mil" - sorry if this is some common abbreviation and I'm just being ignorant)?


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    ohhhh lol.... I hope she's not the typical mother in law stereotype

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    Quote Originally Posted by Expat View Post
    I don't think it means that you don't value Si; it seems to mean that you care more about the band practice than they do; and perhaps that you care more about Te than they.

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    situations like this demonstrate how you can make an argument in any direction socionically. i mean you could say it was about Si valuing behavior or you could say it's that you value Te. or you could say that you value Se, goal directed activity. or you could say that you value Fi more than Fe. it starts to become really circular after awhile.

    fwiw i've always thought you were infp, from VI and because some of your posts remind me of infpman.


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    Quote Originally Posted by Sunshine Lively View Post
    situations like this demonstrate how you can make an argument in any direction socionically. i mean you could say it was about Si valuing behavior or you could say it's that you value Te. or you could say that you value Se, goal directed activity. or you could say that you value Fi more than Fe. it starts to become really circular after awhile.
    Good point. It's just as difficult to know what *not* to interpret as how to interpret.

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    Quote Originally Posted by unefille View Post
    I get this weird panicky feeling combined with annoyance when I'm hanging out with Alphas sometime. Like, I'll insist we have to get things done and yes, the food is lovely, but we need to DO things, we need to be PRODUCTIVE, and they'll just wave me aside.
    true life

    I felt like that a lot when I was in Malaysia with idolatrie's family actually. It was all about good food and good company and the overwhelming Si and Fe atmosphere annoyed me. I felt myself deliberately walking quickly, as though to prove that there was somewhere to GET TO, rather than ambling. It was just...pleasant-sensation saturation. I felt like a useless blob, really. Like, I was losing a sense of being in losing any purpose other than enjoying the moment. In fact - the overemphasis on comfort and immediate enjoyments made me more agitated!
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

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    Well I don't like eating out (or in front of other people) for different reasons.

    I like eating alone, I feel self-conscious sometimes even when it's around people I'm comfortable with! I think eating is a private thing, and it makes me feel really...naked (in the bad way) when I have to eat with others. Usually this is a sign of some sort of eating disorder but I trust you I don't have anything like that, I am very healthy.

    But if the food WAS good, are you sure you weren't just being a negative nancy? You couldn't just enjoy the moment no matter how pointless and dorky at-home goodness it seemed?

    And as for your being productive thing...yeah, I just am not on your same wavelength there. I suppose I am more nihlistic (or something) and I think, nothing is that productive anyway. I think the world as is is more of a 'work in progress' so to speak so there is no production, merely a bunch of people trying and trying.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sunshine Lively View Post
    situations like this demonstrate how you can make an argument in any direction socionically. i mean you could say it was about Si valuing behavior or you could say it's that you value Te. or you could say that you value Se, goal directed activity. or you could say that you value Fi more than Fe. it starts to become really circular after awhile.
    yeah, definitely, that's why I'm never sure about anything

    fwiw i've always thought you were infp, from VI and because some of your posts remind me of infpman.
    hmm yeah I remember you saying this... but through my interactions in real life, and by observing other Ti/Fe types (the INFps particularly) on the forum, I'm pretty sure I'm Te/Fi valuing (unless of course what I've attributed to Fe isn't really Fe)

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    Quote Originally Posted by hellothere View Post
    I could easily eat a nice sandwich or two for dinner.
    What is WRONG with you?! Seriously, though, you've got a point about us all enjoying dinner and it taking up time... But we usually are pretty disciplined in getting things done when "Person A" isn't there. It's only really when we're all there that it can be a bit like that. Btw, you are not ILI. Period.

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    Quote Originally Posted by akeaneau View Post
    What is WRONG with you?! Seriously, though, you've got a point about us all enjoying dinner and it taking up time... But we usually are pretty disciplined in getting things done when "Person A" isn't there. It's only really when we're all there that it can be a bit like that. Btw, you are not ILI. Period.
    lol you were the one who put it into my mind in the first place!

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    Yeah I know. But after meeting/seeing other ILI's my opinion has seriously wavered.

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