How do you view the future? Do you sometimes worry that things may not unfold in the best way? When worrying about the problems of the future, do you somtimes have to take a step back and remind yourself that things will always be changing, and that you really don't know how htings will be like in a month? A year? Ten years? Does time seem to creep up on you, like you just don't know how to plan properley for things in the distant future?

If you were driving in a car with someone, and you were giving them direction to get some place, and you were pretty sure you knew how to get there, would you feel comfortable in giving them directions (turns, landmarks, etc...) in advance? Or would you wait until could get a good view of your surroundings (finally knowing exactly how to go when you can see it)?

And one more thing, I also wrote this about INFps, and Ishysquishy agreed, does it sound like you?

Ishy, my impression of an INFp is like this. They like to tell you that you are annoying them when they really enjoy it. Like, if someone was to pinch an INFp, or slap their but, they make look cold and say something like, "Stop it!", but you can tell that they really enjoy it. They don't like to admit it to other people that they enjoy these sort of "physical pleasures" because sex and things like that are held very secret to them.