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Thread: What body type are you?

  1. #161
    epheme's Avatar
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    ENDOMORPH: 13%
    MESOMORPH: 13%
    ECTOMORPH: 75%


    I got hourglass and 18 BMI - I've recently put on 5 pounds and I'm very happy about it

  2. #162
    Olimpia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by epheme View Post
    ENDOMORPH: 13%
    MESOMORPH: 13%
    ECTOMORPH: 75%


    I got hourglass and 18 BMI - I've recently put on 5 pounds and I'm very happy about it
    Sounds like you are looking good.
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  3. #163
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    Quote Originally Posted by Starfall View Post
    No, they represent a woman's take. Victoria Secret Models are used to sell clothing to women. Curvy playboy models are used to help men get off.

    Celebrities date super models because of the status.
    Gisele Bündchen isn't really seen as a sex symbol and I've seen a lot of jokes about her looking man like.

    Supermodel Kendall Jenner (who modeld for Victoria Secret) not seen as a sex symbol (despite posing nude) while her sisters Kylie and Kim are.

    My own body type is similar to that of a Victoria Secret model (hourglass Ectomorph), and my ex would constantly criticize me for being too thin, comparing me to Endomorph women like Kim Kardashian.
    Hm well, when men evaluate a woman's attractiveness they couldn't care less about her status for the most part.
    In their minds, she is either hot or not. They don't date the woman because of her career. In the case of models, they date them because they usually have the body type they are after.

    I look at what kind of men find what kind of women attractive.
    I tend to value a successful man's opinion on attractiveness more highly, because opposed to the regular guy he can actually "get" his ideal woman.
    Most regular guys will "settle" for the best they can get, which is usually not near their "ideal".

    Across the board, almost all successful and/or famous men marry a slim woman
    – may she be Ecto-Meso (like most VS models), Ecto-Endo (like Sofia Vergara), pure Meso (like Jessica Biel), or pure Ecto (like Amal Clooney).

    Kim Kardashian is pretty polarizing, and that is likely the main reason why she can manage to get and keep so much attention.
    She may appeal to the general male public more or less, at least in the U.S. In Europe, she is not a sex symbol much at all, considered way too thick and overdone.
    I actually don't know any reasonably successful man who finds her super hot, some even call her ugly. Kanye West is a successful guy, but at the same time he is a rapper, and again, rappers are into this extreme look, they are a bit of a niche group. I don't know of any rapper-style woman with an extreme booty-look like Amber Rose, Iggy Azalea, or Nicki Minaj who doesn't end up dating rappers. Probably because they couldn't get a (famous) dude who wasn't one.

    At last, concerning your ex... Sorry to hear that. You really chose a person who could not love you for who you are. That's it.
    That does not mean that your body is generally undesirable, quite the contrary (for many men). It just means that from all the men you could have chosen, you chose the one who happens to have a preference for the Endomorph body type. (It sounds like it is part of your Imago to not appreciate your body for some reason.) What is/was his background? Is/was he into the rapper lifestyle?
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    *********** 21-04-19:
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  4. #164
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    I live in Eastern Europe and many men here consider Kim Kardashian and her ass a sex symbol, although admitedly more so before facial plastic surgery. In the Balkans tacky porn star look can be very in (famous sex symbol for example):


    I'm not sure, maybe I live on another continent than Sis or I only hang out with black and latino rappers Not wanting to date someone is not necesarilly the same as not finding them attractive/fuckable. It's assessing they are too tacky/embarassing/low status too be your girlfriend. And I'm pretty sure that Iggy and Kim could date many men, but THEY chose these black rappers/athletes, because they were attracted to them as well. It's not like they picked the only leftovers.

    Many affluent white males need their trophy wives and in the west being thin and (even better, thin and tall) is still considered high status (nazi mentality). If you want to move in let's say european aristocratic circles you better be borderline skinny - anything else is seen as lower status. If DiCaprio doesnt care about the status that comes with dating supermodels, why doesn't he date non-famous lanky tall blonde girls, who are idk, waitresses? He's clearly just going through the catalogs, picking one intercheable butterface model for another without any passion- which frankly, makes me question his sexuality.

  5. #165
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    Quote Originally Posted by darya View Post
    I live in Eastern Europe and many men here consider Kim Kardashian and her ass a sex symbol, although admitedly more so before facial plastic surgery. In the Balkans tacky porn star look can be very in (famous sex symbol for example):


    I'm not sure, maybe I live on another continent than Sis or I only hang out with black and latino rappers Not wanting to date someone is not necesarilly the same as not finding them attractive/fuckable. It's assessing they are too tacky/embarassing/low status too be your girlfriend. And I'm pretty sure that Iggy and Kim could date many men, but THEY chose these black rappers/athletes, because they were attracted to them as well. It's not like they picked the only leftovers.

    Many affluent white males need their trophy wives and in the west being thin and (even better, thin and tall) is still considered high status (nazi mentality). If you want to move in let's say european aristocratic circles you better be borderline skinny - anything else is seen as lower status. If DiCaprio doesnt care about the status that comes with dating supermodels, why doesn't he date non-famous lanky tall blonde girls, who are idk, waitresses? He's clearly just going through the catalogs, picking one intercheable butterface model for another without any passion- which frankly, makes me question his sexuality.
    Kim Kardashian is one of the few famous American women who are actually Middle-Eastern looking and not ugly.
    That is probably why men in Eastern Europe would mention her.

    George Clooney is pretty similar personality-wise, I'd say. Like Leo he's dated many models in a row, but also some women without any status, like a bartender even, as far as I know.
    Before he got married, my own father questioned his sexuality, too. But now he is married to Amal Clooney...
    Maybe Leo will go through a similar evolution, where he will only settle for some slim intelligent woman who can see eye to eye with him, at the end.

    P.S: I do agree with you though that many male celebrities like Leo and George are status-conscious. Both are SO/SP.
    And it is true that not all men are as status-conscious when it comes to their physical preferences – mostly those with SO blindspot and/or without much E3 influence.
    A guy who is Sp/Sx 9 would have different preferences than a guy who is So/Sp 3 like Leo.
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    *********** 21-04-19:
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  6. #166
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    Quote Originally Posted by SisOfNight View Post
    Kim Kardashian is one of the few famous American women who are actually Middle-Eastern looking and not ugly.
    That is probably why men in Eastern Europe would mention her.

    George Clooney is pretty similar personality-wise, I'd say. Like Leo he's dated many models in a row, but also some women without any status, like a bartender even, as far as I know.
    Before he got married, my own father questioned his sexuality, too. But now he is married to Amal Clooney...
    Maybe Leo will go through a similar evolution, where he will only settle for some slim intelligent woman who can see eye to eye with him, at the end.
    But...we dont look middle-eastern here ? Look...i give up : D Let's agree to disagree. I just think you have somewhat clinical views on human sexuality- it's less rule-bound and more primitive when it comes down to it. Aesthetics and sexuality are also not always correlated. Trying too explain humans in such rigid definitions can lead to much confusion when practice doesnt match the theory.

    (Lol, it feels like I'm supervising you - never had this feeling before

  7. #167
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    I guess endomorph or mesomorph, if this is even legit on women. My weight stays the same pretty much. I haven't made an effort to build muscle long term but when I've tried to push myself for like a week I notice I get stronger very quickly.

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