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Thread: IEEs/ENFps achieving their dreams and goals

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    Cinematic Member Mr Saturn's Avatar
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    Default IEEs/ENFps achieving their dreams and goals

    Right. What are the pros and cons to an IEE achieving dreams.

    What are the factors they look for in achieving things?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Saturn View Post
    Right. What are the pros and cons to an IEE achieving dreams.
    Pro: they are happier
    Con: they have less time to achieve other dreams
    Quote Originally Posted by Logos
    Holy mud-wrestling bipolar donkeys, Batman!

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    Cinematic Member Mr Saturn's Avatar
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    Not enough time? What does that mean?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Saturn View Post
    Not enough time? What does that mean?
    Just that, since we all are going to die eventually (probably), you have to pick the dreams you want to pursue, and choose some to abandon. Even if that kills you.
    Quote Originally Posted by Logos
    Holy mud-wrestling bipolar donkeys, Batman!

    Retired from posting and drawing Social Security. E-mail or PM to contact.

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    Cinematic Member Mr Saturn's Avatar
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    So IEEs are interested in multiple dreams and a healthier approach is to concentrate on one?

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    Well if you are IEE, why don't you give us your take on things, too?
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
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    Cinematic Member Mr Saturn's Avatar
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    I like that.

    Well for a long time I found myself with little finishing capability. My efforts were distracted and I never really thought about 'the future' and simply 'just having a good time'.

    Since I was young I wanted to be in the 'entertainment industry' and it has always lead my direction. However in the past two years I have refined to a love for film theory and a liking for philosophy. I now want to be an academic and am willing to do anything to get there. I am not going to let myself get distracted.

    I wonder if that I will ever be able to achieve my dreams though. I constantly feel the need to be better. Not to beat others but to satisfy myself and to feel comforted in my ability instead of conscious that I am not that good.

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    I'm actually interested in this, because I don't really understand the nature of Delta and ambition. Does it even exist?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Saturn View Post
    I like that.

    Well for a long time I found myself with little finishing capability. My efforts were distracted and I never really thought about 'the future' and simply 'just having a good time'.

    Since I was young I wanted to be in the 'entertainment industry' and it has always lead my direction. However in the past two years I have refined to a love for film theory and a liking for philosophy. I now want to be an academic and am willing to do anything to get there. I am not going to let myself get distracted.

    I wonder if that I will ever be able to achieve my dreams though. I constantly feel the need to be better. Not to beat others but to satisfy myself and to feel comforted in my ability instead of conscious that I am not that good.
    As EII Fi has always made the decisions for me, and pushed me in the direction I think I "need" to go. I always feel like I need to be more practical and do not end up pursuing certain dreams or aspirations because I guess I feel a responsibility to what my Fi has deemed important. I sometimes kind of envy the IEE who can put themselves "out there" more and give their ideas a chance. They are more willing to take the chance to follow a dream than I am, so I wish I could use my Ne a little more. . .

    I would say that the best way to deal with your problem would be to use your Fi to focus in on what you should do. Think about why you want to do what you want to do in terms of ethics. You have already seen the possibilities for your future in terms of where your talent lies, so you don't need to spend time working on that, and as IEE you are probably "good" at most anything you try so that probably isn't the problem either.

    Having said that it seems that you maybe are already at this point and want to know what it is like to tangibly see your fallow dreams come to fruition. I don't know, maybe I am rambling and I am not IEE, so maybe should not be giving advice here, but I do sort-of get this from the other side. I think you should just focus on Fi- What decisions regarding your future will help to make a difference? How is what you are choosing for your own life going to help others? Use your Fi to clean up and set aside the excess Ne.
    EII 4w5

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ezra View Post
    I'm actually interested in this, because I don't really understand the nature of Delta and ambition. Does it even exist?
    According to the definition of ambition -
    Quote Originally Posted by Oxford American Dictionary
    ambition |amˈbi sh ən|
    a strong desire to do or to achieve something, typically requiring determination and hard work : her ambition was to become a model | he achieved his ambition of making a fortune.
    • desire and determination to achieve success : life offered few opportunities for young people with ambition.
    ORIGIN Middle English : via Old French from Latin ambitio(n-), from ambire ‘go around (canvassing for votes).’
    I would say, yes, Deltas indeed have ambitions. Or at least they can. But they're probably more localized and personal ambitions rather than grand, take-over-the-world ambitions. For example, I would like to buy a nice digital SLR for myself. It will definitely take some work and determination to get the money to do so. That's an ambition, albeit a small one. I have other ones, too, that are somewhat more... important to me and bigger in scale, though I'd rather not get into them too much at the moment as they are... personal. In general, I wouldn't consider myself ambitious in the sense of striving to be rich and famous and powerful. I strive more for peace and comfort and beauty and kindness and closeness with loved ones. I can't speak for other Deltas, though.

    I've seen people that I'm pretty sure are Delta work very hard and determinedly for their goals. Some of them work themselves too hard at times, I think. And their causes always seem altruistic and for the benefit of others, not just themselves. In many cases, their ambitions seem selfless as opposed to self-centered, which is what I think a lot of what the popular idea of "ambition" is.

    Does that help your understanding? Or were you thinking of something else?
    Oh, to find you in dreams - mixing prior, analog, and never-beens... facts slip and turn and change with little lucidity. except the strong, permeating reality of emotion.

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    I think Deltas can be quite ambitious.

    I think ambition is more of a individual (non type) thing, but I think a person's type would influence which ambitions they were attracted to.

    I've always been pretty ambitious and remember dreaming of my career when I was a little kid. And yes, I would like it to be on a grand scale, not in a "take over the world" way (is that Beta?) but instead in a "influence the world in a positive way" sort of a revolution, but without the wars and killing people part of revolution -- more of a positive, kind one, but something that would dramatically make the world better for everyone. I get somewhat rebellious and like the idea of changing the outdated evil core of things and making the world a kinder, better to live in place for all living things really makes me inspired.

    I also get ambitions that have to do with the arts. These all shift and change several times a day. But I now accept that I will always be multi-tasking and don't try to force myself to do one thing. I work on everything in spurts here and there, sometimes with years in between, whenever it makes sense and feels right to pick something up again, I do. I think in the end it'll all make sense.

    I think if more people were open to it, they'd realize their ambitions. I think most of us have burning ambition deep inside, but it can get stiffled by all kinds of things. What's everyone elses ambitions?
    Hi! I'm an ENFP. :-)

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    I said this in another thread, but the quality of being able to pursue a dream with no fear (fear of failure, fear of other people's criticisms, etc) and with a single-minded focus and determination is a quality I both admire and find extremely fascinating. And I say that because I find it both difficult and challenging to actually pursue something with this kind of mindset. It requires a lot of self-confidence, determination and drive.

    Having said that, what typically happens with my dreams is they often will be in a state of "I would love to _____ (insert dream here)." I have a handful of these dreams that are in this state.

    I'll give you one example. I would love to take up cello. What prevents me from actually doing that at this point in my life is

    1) Finances for buying/renting a cello and paying for lessons (I think if I taught myself cello I wouldn't get very far) and probably not having those kinds of resources right now


    2) The time that I think I'd need to dedicate to practice in order to
    grow in skill. I'm not 100% sure that I can dedicate what is probably required to grow and not allow it to become just another interest that I had a mild interest in, but got put aside.

    And therein lies the problem, generally, with pursuing dreams (at least in my particular case). Whenever I am actively pursuing an interest of mine, I struggle in maintaining a consistency of dedication that would allow me to raise my talent level in that discipline. I start doing something, pursuing it, and either something else grabs my attention, or I start to get frustrated with the project, or I get burned out by overindulging myself with the project. In any case, my attention starts wandering around, and I find something else that piques my interest. And when I abandon something, part of it is also because I no longer think that I can effectively dedicate an adequate amount of time to the activity. And because I can't dedicate what I think is required, I might as well not bother going at it like 50% of the way. I generally feel that I can't really do much if I'm doing something with that kind of mindset, so I just put it aside.

    Now, one advantage of actually pursuing something is it alleviates the laundry list of things that I want to do (at least it does that somewhat). If I finish something I've been wanting to do for a while, that means that I don't have to worry about it and have it somewhere in my mind. It's finished.

    Really, what it comes down to is what do I think I can handle if I pursue something. Will I be able to dedicate enough to it? How do I think I'll handle adversity in the dream if it comes? Will I fall by the wayside or will my resolve be strong enough? If I can answer affirmatively towards being able to do it, I'm going to go for it. If not, that's ok, I will put it aside and revisit it later.

    Another downside is, of course, cramming my head with too many of these dreams, if I don't feel I can pursue any of my dreams at any given time. They start piling up and then it becomes "Ok, which one do I do first?" That's a bit frustrating.

    But, pursuing a dream with no fear is a liberating experience, even if I can have that "no fear" attitude for a brief period of time. Pursuing dreams allows for me to liberate myself from a mired depth of inadequacy and whatever other things drag me down.

    The key is finding that consistency, finding that resolve, finding that determination.

    9w1 sp/sx

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    Quote Originally Posted by jewels View Post
    "influence the world in a positive way" sort of a revolution, but without the wars and killing people part of revolution -- more of a positive, kind one, but something that would dramatically make the world better for everyone. I get somewhat rebellious and like the idea of changing the outdated evil core of things and making the world a kinder, better to live in place for all living things really makes me inspired.
    That is exactly the same dream as mine. Word for word. As ive got older and imagined certian scenarios, my personal dream of this has waned a little as i doubt any singular thing i will do will be big enough. I would have to found some type of world organisation or something (ya never know i suppose).

    What's everyone elses ambitions?
    Just travel and experience. I would love to meet people across the globe and hear their stories.

    Quote Originally Posted by tereg View Post
    I said this in another thread, but the quality of being able to pursue a dream with no fear (fear of failure, fear of other people's criticisms, etc) and with a single-minded focus and determination is a quality I both admire and find extremely fascinating. And I say that because I find it both difficult and challenging to actually pursue something with this kind of mindset. It requires a lot of self-confidence, determination and drive.

    Having said that, what typically happens with my dreams is they often will be in a state of "I would love to _____ (insert dream here)." I have a handful of these dreams that are in this state.

    I'll give you one example. I would love to take up cello. What prevents me from actually doing that at this point in my life is

    1) Finances for buying/renting a cello and paying for lessons (I think if I taught myself cello I wouldn't get very far) and probably not having those kinds of resources right now


    2) The time that I think I'd need to dedicate to practice in order to
    grow in skill. I'm not 100% sure that I can dedicate what is probably required to grow and not allow it to become just another interest that I had a mild interest in, but got put aside.

    And therein lies the problem, generally, with pursuing dreams (at least in my particular case). Whenever I am actively pursuing an interest of mine, I struggle in maintaining a consistency of dedication that would allow me to raise my talent level in that discipline...........
    Excellent post and QFT. I also admire people who can have a dream since birth and make it happen. They seem so lucky aswell, to know so ardently what they want. Its also that level of mastery they achieve by working at that something for their entire lives.
    ENFp (Unsure of Subtype)

    "And the day came when the risk it took to remain closed in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anaïs Nin

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    I finally figured out how to use my f'n camera!!! Sry it's kinda incoherent, but it's 2am.

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    Quote Originally Posted by tereg View Post
    I said this in another thread, but the quality of being able to pursue a dream with no fear (fear of failure, fear of other people's criticisms, etc) and with a single-minded focus and determination is a quality I both admire and find extremely fascinating. And I say that because I find it both difficult and challenging to actually pursue something with this kind of mindset. It requires a lot of self-confidence, determination and drive.

    ...The key is finding that consistency, finding that resolve, finding that determination.
    Tereg, Cool post. I like the honesty in it.

    I think it's impossible to do something completely new with no fears. I think the "no fear" T shirts are lies Instead, I think it's a matter of accepting that yeah, you're terrified, but it's something you really want to do, so you'll do it anyway. I've talked to a lot of people who did things that would scare me, and they admit they were really scared, but still did it. new stuff is scary, fact.

    And as far as not finishing everything, I used to feel bad about that too, as I also have more starts than ends...but I heard somewhere that "some things really aren't worth finishing." Leonardo DaVinci didn't finish a whooole lotta stuff. And who cares? What he did finish rocked. Who cares about his half-way finished doodles at this point?

    I think you kinda know what matters, and the things that aren't priorities will get forgotten about.

    You post really makes me want you to take a Chello class!

    @Meatburger, once again, you are my ENFp twin!
    Hi! I'm an ENFP. :-)

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    Quote Originally Posted by jewels View Post
    I think it's impossible to do something completely new with no fears. I think the "no fear" T shirts are lies Instead, I think it's a matter of accepting that yeah, you're terrified, but it's something you really want to do, so you'll do it anyway. I've talked to a lot of people who did things that would scare me, and they admit they were really scared, but still did it. new stuff is scary, fact.
    "Every living thing is afraid when it faces danger. True courage is facing danger even when you are afraid, and you already have that kind of courage."

    L.Frank Baum, The Wizard of Oz

    I finally figured out how to use my f'n camera!!! Sry it's kinda incoherent, but it's 2am.
    You look pretty awake for 2:00am. Why am i not suprised. Cool video man i enjoyed it. I am also proud to accept Mark T as a great ENFp.
    ENFp (Unsure of Subtype)

    "And the day came when the risk it took to remain closed in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anaïs Nin

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    Quote Originally Posted by JuJu View Post
    I finally figured out how to use my f'n camera!!! Sry it's kinda incoherent, but it's 2am.
    Awesome. You're a legend. That "impact" thing Leon will probably relate to.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ezra View Post
    Awesome. You're a legend. That "impact" thing Leon will probably relate to.
    I am legend

    who's leon? i like him already

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    In relation to fear.

    I always try and maintain confidence that whenever confronted I will do my best. In every circumstance I get I try because I want to be able to handle fear and handle it with style.

    However, recently (past six months) I have had a recurring motif in a few scattered dreams. In some of my dreams I see a plane fly over very low and then drop a bomb in the distance. I see the explosion and then do something before the dream ends.

    From what I can remember (which are only two times I do) I once spoke 'radico purifico' and the teleported somewhere, then a second time (last night) I grabbed someone and said 'let's do stuff' before running away.

    This is besides the point though. Today, as I walked home, a plane flew across the sky very low and for a moment I felt the same fear that I felt in my dream. I didn't stop but it felt like paranoia.

    Very odd. It damaged my confidence, which made me wonder.

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    Quote Originally Posted by JuJu View Post
    I finally figured out how to use my f'n camera!!! Sry it's kinda incoherent, but it's 2am.

    As soon as I know about where I fit socionics wise I will discuss this with you.

    Good video. I am now looking for an excuse to make one.

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    Quote Originally Posted by meatburger View Post

    Just travel and experience. I would love to meet people across the globe and hear their stories.
    is learning the end goal?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ms. Kensington View Post
    is learning the end goal?
    Yeah i fink so. Learning, opening mind, having fun, getting into interesting situations, making connections with people all come into it
    ENFp (Unsure of Subtype)

    "And the day came when the risk it took to remain closed in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anaïs Nin

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    Quote Originally Posted by JuJu View Post
    I finally figured out how to use my f'n camera!!! Sry it's kinda incoherent, but it's 2am.

    I can't even begin to tell you how mezmerized i was watching your video. your energy is so cool....i am speechless...

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    gay sex
    Last edited by istpunk; 07-17-2008 at 08:34 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by dbmmama View Post

    I can't even begin to tell you how mezmerized i was watching your video. your energy is so cool....i am speechless...
    Awww...!! Thank you!!

    That's a really awesome thing to hear... Wow.

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    Quote Originally Posted by JuJu View Post
    Awww...!! Thank you!!

    That's a really awesome thing to hear... Wow.
    my pleasure.

    could you help me with something typewise?

    your energy, your personality, whatever it is that i feel from you is so absolutely amazing. i have had crushes on guys like you when i was younger, mostly. yet, i always felt that your type was "out of my league." like you wouldn't like boring little me, you were so cool and too good for me.
    you know, the kind of crush where you would just worship the other person. but, looking at it now, it wouldn't really be healthy to have that kind of worship thing in a relationship.

    is there a type that might think that about IEEs? unless it is just you personally....

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    Quote Originally Posted by istpunk View Post
    ENFP'S DARK SIDE IS me I know you people.
    Oh shit, I forgot the Terminator was an IEE. Oh, what taste you SLIs have.

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Terminator
    I know now why you cry, but it's something I can never do.
    Fe dual seeking?

    I think the Terminator is an LSI robot. His brain runs on all these Ti rules, and then he carries out Se actions... but he tries to come up with clever things to attract his "dual" like "hasta la vista, baby," which I swear he only does stuff like that to be cute and get an Fe reaction.

    I love the Terminator movies... sigh.

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    Quote Originally Posted by dbmmama View Post
    my pleasure.

    could you help me with something typewise?

    your energy, your personality, whatever it is that i feel from you is so absolutely amazing. i have had crushes on guys like you when i was younger, mostly. yet, i always felt that your type was "out of my league." like you wouldn't like boring little me, you were so cool and too good for me.
    you know, the kind of crush where you would just worship the other person. but, looking at it now, it wouldn't really be healthy to have that kind of worship thing in a relationship.

    is there a type that might think that about IEEs? unless it is just you personally....

    maybe a saint is just a dead prick with a good publicist
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    Allie, you've reached that stage where you finally make no more sense.
    Moonlight will fall
    Winter will end
    Harvest will come
    Your heart will mend

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    Quote Originally Posted by dbmmama View Post
    my pleasure.

    could you help me with something typewise?

    your energy, your personality, whatever it is that i feel from you is so absolutely amazing. i have had crushes on guys like you when i was younger, mostly. yet, i always felt that your type was "out of my league." like you wouldn't like boring little me, you were so cool and too good for me.
    you know, the kind of crush where you would just worship the other person. but, looking at it now, it wouldn't really be healthy to have that kind of worship thing in a relationship.

    is there a type that might think that about IEEs? unless it is just you personally....
    Honestly, I'm blushing... Wow, that's really cool.

    It seems like we'd get along really well IRL, for sure--but I know the feeling that you're describing. I've had it, definitely... The "out of my league" thing is usually something I attribute to my super-ego relation w/ a SLE... The ppl who've said things like that to me though--lol, it's only been three ppl!! like I'm a playa--have been ISFp, ISTp, and INFp.

    Thinking about it now, it makes sense that those three types might feel that way about a IEE... Each for a different reason, I'm thinkin.

    P.S. David Cook!!!!!!!!!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by istpunk View Post
    ENFP'S DARK SIDE IS me I know you people.
    Istpunk, could you explain your thoughts behind this?

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    Quote Originally Posted by JuJu View Post
    Honestly, I'm blushing... Wow, that's really cool.

    It seems like we'd get along really well IRL, for sure--but I know the feeling that you're describing. I've had it, definitely... The "out of my league" thing is usually something I attribute to my super-ego relation w/ a SLE... The ppl who've said things like that to me though--lol, it's only been three ppl!! like I'm a playa--have been ISFp, ISTp, and INFp.

    Thinking about it now, it makes sense that those three types might feel that way about a IEE... Each for a different reason, I'm thinkin.

    P.S. David Cook!!!!!!!!!!
    of all the seasons to not watch AI, it was this one. I got hooked on The Biggest Loser instead. So, he's IEE then? That blows the whole theory that IEEs don't achieve their dreams.

    Everything is a sign to me. Here's what just happened.

    I read your post and remembered I needed to print something for hubby. But, our printer was out of ink. I ran up to Office Max and the lone checker was David Cook's twin!!!

    thanks, more to ponder.

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    Quote Originally Posted by JuJu View Post
    I finally figured out how to use my f'n camera!!! Sry it's kinda incoherent, but it's 2am.
    lol, you met Mark Twain? At least that's what I heard in the vid.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sereno View Post
    lol, you met Mark Twain? At least that's what I heard in the vid.
    Haha!!! Did I say that..? Well, they say ppl have acid flashbacks, so it might have been one of those.

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    Quote Originally Posted by JuJu View Post
    Haha!!! Did I say that..? Well, they say ppl have acid flashbacks, so it might have been one of those.
    Acid flashbacks? I've never heard of it... I don't do drugs (yeah, "rise above the influence") so I don't really know the effects of doing acid. I'm guessing you're joking about it, or maybe not. Anyway, it was a good video. Maybe have a Delta TV channel.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sereno View Post
    Acid flashbacks? I've never heard of it... I don't do drugs (yeah, "rise above the influence") so I don't really know the effects of doing acid. I'm guessing you're joking about it, or maybe not. Anyway, it was a good video. Maybe have a Delta TV channel.
    Yeah, just jokin... I've heard of ppl having acid flashbacks, but I've never had one myself... Honestly, my experiences with that drug were positive, so I imagine that I wouldn't mind a flashback but w/e.

    Thanks for the compliment.

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    Quote Originally Posted by tereg View Post

    And therein lies the problem, generally, with pursuing dreams (at least in my particular case). Whenever I am actively pursuing an interest of mine, I struggle in maintaining a consistency of dedication that would allow me to raise my talent level in that discipline. I start doing something, pursuing it, and either something else grabs my attention, or I start to get frustrated with the project, or I get burned out by overindulging myself with the project. In any case, my attention starts wandering around, and I find something else that piques my interest. And when I abandon something, part of it is also because I no longer think that I can effectively dedicate an adequate amount of time to the activity. And because I can't dedicate what I think is required, I might as well not bother going at it like 50% of the way. I generally feel that I can't really do much if I'm doing something with that kind of mindset, so I just put it aside.

    Now, one advantage of actually pursuing something is it alleviates the laundry list of things that I want to do (at least it does that somewhat). If I finish something I've been wanting to do for a while, that means that I don't have to worry about it and have it somewhere in my mind. It's finished.

    Really, what it comes down to is what do I think I can handle if I pursue something. Will I be able to dedicate enough to it? How do I think I'll handle adversity in the dream if it comes? Will I fall by the wayside or will my resolve be strong enough? If I can answer affirmatively towards being able to do it, I'm going to go for it. If not, that's ok, I will put it aside and revisit it later.

    Another downside is, of course, cramming my head with too many of these dreams, if I don't feel I can pursue any of my dreams at any given time. They start piling up and then it becomes "Ok, which one do I do first?" That's a bit frustrating.

    But, pursuing a dream with no fear is a liberating experience, even if I can have that "no fear" attitude for a brief period of time. Pursuing dreams allows for me to liberate myself from a mired depth of inadequacy and whatever other things drag me down.

    The key is finding that consistency, finding that resolve, finding that determination.
    I just happened to read this and I totally relate.
    Quote Originally Posted by JuJu View Post
    I finally figured out how to use my f'n camera!!! Sry it's kinda incoherent, but it's 2am.
    Juju, watching your video really reminds me of myself when I speak, especially the constant shifting of the eyes and looking up to gather my thoughts. There's also this calm/excited energy behind your eyes that I very much identify with, especially when talking about something I care about. It is usually followed my a sigh. I also tend to make the same pauses when I talk. Oh, and I like Mark Twain too hehe

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    Quote Originally Posted by JuJu View Post
    I finally figured out how to use my f'n camera!!! Sry it's kinda incoherent, but it's 2am.
    Quote Originally Posted by JuJu View Post
    Just checked out your vid....

    Yeah, you look and talk like an ENFp my opinion..(I cant tell you what sub-type...thats a little bit complicated)

    I can hear a certain NeTe activation dynamic that i've noticed in my own voice......also i can see a certain SeTi superego at work.

    gotta give you credit...that takes some guts to post that out there...especially with such a mushy topic if you know what i mean

    btw...i sound like that all the time..not just at 2am

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    Quote Originally Posted by kensi View Post

    Just checked out your vid....

    Yeah, you look and talk like an ENFp my opinion..(I cant tell you what sub-type...thats a little bit complicated)

    I can hear a certain NeTe activation dynamic that i've noticed in my own voice......also i can see a certain SeTi superego at work.

    gotta give you credit...that takes some guts to post that out there...especially with such a mushy topic if you know what i mean

    btw...i sound like that all the time..not just at 2am
    kensi: yeah, i know what you mean, lol... thank you very much dude. if you post a video anywhere, let me know... maybe talking about sports (haha.) I like that you've come to this forum.

    qbsirena06: over the time that you've been here, I've noticed that we value similar things, (esp. Ne & Fi...) Your sense of humor is very apparent as well--irreverent, is that the right word? haha ... You're my identical, I believe.

    I'm beginning to think that dbmmama might be ENFp too... I can't tell for sure Fi>Fe yet--but one of these days, hehe

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