Quote Originally Posted by jewels View Post
I think it's impossible to do something completely new with no fears. I think the "no fear" T shirts are lies Instead, I think it's a matter of accepting that yeah, you're terrified, but it's something you really want to do, so you'll do it anyway. I've talked to a lot of people who did things that would scare me, and they admit they were really scared, but still did it. new stuff is scary, fact.
"Every living thing is afraid when it faces danger. True courage is facing danger even when you are afraid, and you already have that kind of courage."

L.Frank Baum, The Wizard of Oz

I finally figured out how to use my f'n camera!!! Sry it's kinda incoherent, but it's 2am.
You look pretty awake for 2:00am. Why am i not suprised. Cool video man i enjoyed it. I am also proud to accept Mark T as a great ENFp.