Quote Originally Posted by Mr Saturn View Post
I like that.

Well for a long time I found myself with little finishing capability. My efforts were distracted and I never really thought about 'the future' and simply 'just having a good time'.

Since I was young I wanted to be in the 'entertainment industry' and it has always lead my direction. However in the past two years I have refined to a love for film theory and a liking for philosophy. I now want to be an academic and am willing to do anything to get there. I am not going to let myself get distracted.

I wonder if that I will ever be able to achieve my dreams though. I constantly feel the need to be better. Not to beat others but to satisfy myself and to feel comforted in my ability instead of conscious that I am not that good.
As EII Fi has always made the decisions for me, and pushed me in the direction I think I "need" to go. I always feel like I need to be more practical and do not end up pursuing certain dreams or aspirations because I guess I feel a responsibility to what my Fi has deemed important. I sometimes kind of envy the IEE who can put themselves "out there" more and give their ideas a chance. They are more willing to take the chance to follow a dream than I am, so I wish I could use my Ne a little more. . .

I would say that the best way to deal with your problem would be to use your Fi to focus in on what you should do. Think about why you want to do what you want to do in terms of ethics. You have already seen the possibilities for your future in terms of where your talent lies, so you don't need to spend time working on that, and as IEE you are probably "good" at most anything you try so that probably isn't the problem either.

Having said that it seems that you maybe are already at this point and want to know what it is like to tangibly see your fallow dreams come to fruition. I don't know, maybe I am rambling and I am not IEE, so maybe should not be giving advice here, but I do sort-of get this from the other side. I think you should just focus on Fi- What decisions regarding your future will help to make a difference? How is what you are choosing for your own life going to help others? Use your Fi to clean up and set aside the excess Ne.