Quote Originally Posted by Sereno View Post
The thing is that for some reason I do feel attraction, I just don't know why and if it's worth taking things further, and to what level.
I feel the same way. It definitely feels like you are stepping out of your comfort zone. There is that fear and uncertainty about the future. It takes conscious effort to communicate and fulfill each others' needs. It is important to have an understanding of your differences to make it easier to give them the benefit of the doubt in case of miscommunication. But maybe this is where growth occurs and if the two people care enough about one another, they will make the effort to "speak the other's language". For instance, for us NF's this would mean for the ST to express and show how they feel about a situation rather than assuming that we know because if they didn't care, they wouldn't be here. So basically, I think it comes down to the people involved and how interested they are in each other and in making the relationship work. As the relationship grows, these "conscious efforts" will develop into a more natural way of relating to one another. I do think it is very possible to have a successful and fulfilling relationship as long as they share the same level of commitment to make it happen. Well, this is my opinion anyway...we'll see.