Quote Originally Posted by Kioshi View Post
1 => 2 => 3 => 4 => 1
5 => 6 <= 7 => 8 <= 5

1 => 2
4 <= 3

6 <= 5
7 => 8
use this standard A model, not alternative ones. It will just confuse things because people in socionics assume the second row is super-ego and the third row is super ID. If you don't like it, complain somewhere. Just be sure to use as much classic socionics symbology as possible, because it will make it easier for people to look for extra information from wiki and this place. I'd say I know all I need to know about the A model, but if you give me
model, then I will just think it's random symbols. (FeTi is not a possible type).

PS! lol @
Originally Posted by Subterranean
Fucking Admin