Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg View Post
Your problem is that you can't see the truth in other people's views. You can't accept that whatever their views, they each have a unique psychological perspective that leads to distinct form of truth.
With almost every comment you make you are proving one of my general type theses: that LIIs tend to be self-refuting relativists. You are one of the most obvious examples of such an intellectual meltdown. Every form of relativism is necessarily either false (because it is self-refuting) or trivial. It is sad to see that you are an advocate of the former kind of relativism, which means that you are simply stupid. To attribute logical reasoning to is an insult to logic itself. I can't believe that people are so unable to see the obvious differences between your idiotic perspective and my perspective.

Your stance here is a typcial example of Reinin's Subjectivism. My stance is a typical example of Reinin's Objectivism. Every single member of this forum must be able to recognize this simple and extremely obvious fact.

Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg
The only way to judge such truth is its applicability on a large scale? Will it or will it not lead to effective adaptation to objective conditions? Will it or will it not support the growth of life?
This is a disgusting form of Subjectivism. Relativism is a plague. We should to our best to get rid of it. You don't understand the concept of truth, and you don't realize that your position is logically contradictory. How much worse can it get?