Quote Originally Posted by Christy B View Post
The bit I quoted.
Okay, now I understand what you were getting at, but your interpretation is incorrect. I don't mean population. I don't mean the group of people that happens to live in a certain area of the world. I mean groups of people that can be identified through their genetical differences, which of course to a large extent are the result of having lived in the same region of the world for several generations.

What is controversial about this? Nothing should be. We know that there are fundamental genetical differences that explain why some groups of people with a coloured skin have a natural advantage in some sports, like trying to run 100 metres the fast as you can. I don't know of any physical sport where white people would have a natural advantage over black people, but maybe there is.

I don't know of any mental sport where it is obvious that one of these two groups of people would have a natural advantage over the other, but that can't be ruled out either before we have empirical evidence to support such a radical view. It is radical to assume that there are no significant differences between different races, because it is of course much more likely that there are such differences than that there aren't.