Am I supposed to like it? Because right now I've got an ESE in my house running around doing whatever she pleases.

And she's "caregiving" and it's pissing me off.

Just because I happened to fall asleep approximately two hours before I was supposed to wake up, and consequently missed school, does not mean I have a serious problem.
I don't need a fucking "intervention" and I don't need people to miss school to come find me and force-feed me their spinach pizza.

Nor do I need anyone barging into my room while I'm sleeping and demand that I sit up so they can talk to me. WHEN I'M SLEEPING, I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO ANYONE, HOLYSHIT!
Is that not obvious as hell to anyone else?

When I am hiding under my sheets from you, moaning and groaning for you to get the fuck out, and cringing at all this food and drink you're trying to shove down my throat....
is that not a sign that I want you to leave?


Sorry about the ranting... go ahead and interpret this topic in whatever way you fancy, and respond accordingly...

Or tell me what the fuck "caregiving" is......