Quote Originally Posted by ouronis View Post
You would think that, if predictable by socionics at all, this would reside in asymmetric relationships like supervision and benefaction.
In my understanding of information control systems, asymmetric and symmetric are somewhat meaningless adjectives. Synchronicity, efficiency and balance or lack thereof would be more meaningful. The type of information shared between duals could be considered asymmetric because its so different but the better adjective is complementary. In case I wasn't clear, lacks-of-confidence and holier-than-thou attitudes are more baggage related but natural abilities to deal with them are type related. Many ILEs appear elitist simply because of the way they like to process information but are not really that way. However, I've met more than a few who presented themselves as if they were demigods, which is baggage exacerbating that elitist aura.

a.k.a. I/O