Quote Originally Posted by Phaedrus View Post
That is almost impossible to reliably observe with any accuracy over the Internet. A proof of that impossibiltiy is all the mistypings in that respect which Expat and others are guilty of.
I agree in principle with what your saying..that it is *difficult* to observe with accuracy over the internet, but I wouldn't say impossible..or any near a definition of impossible. I think in that respect of how good it is would be dependant on how deep the interaction (conversation) were to go with an individual.

Quote Originally Posted by Phaedrus
You should not even try to determine those aspects, because whatever conclusion you may draw from your observations is necessarily less reliable than Java's own self-typing.
Quote Originally Posted by Phaedrus
It's simply a very bad method of approach at every stage.
i don't know so much. For instance, supposing you were close to someone, and you wanted their advice..and they were an ethical type..what advice would you be more receptive to..an Fi creative or an Fe creative? If you were unsure of their type then you would probably be more sure after that conversation.

What I'm saying is that it isn't a bad method at every stage. Of course you may say a person would have determined if the other were Fi or Fe creative before such a thing, but if you did say that, that isn't always the case, the way I see it is that every method has it's uses, I think imo the distinction you should be making, is perhaps one has to know when to use them.

Of course I did say that I wasn't making any conclusions of Javatype this way, I simply was passing some observations at this stage which may or may not be useful here..but it could be useful 'there' (even to someone reading for their personal reasons) But you are saying it is never useful (or at least always very bad etc etc), which is incorrect, because aside from the reason(s) i've given here (which shows it can be of use and will sometimes be good) .. how can you possibly be aware of *every* situation in such a context?