In general, I tend not to go against self typing. There is something here however that i've been noticing. If Java is ILI or IEI, then he is either going to be Fi seeking or Fe demonstrative, what I have been wondering, and partly been looking to observe, is which he is showing more..Fi seeking or Fe valueing. I'm getting an impression of Fi seeking, but then keeping an open perspective there's been some beta Fe demonstrative also. It could even be some sort of Fe alpha seeking, because there seems to be some sort of mix.

I'm not seeing this as any conclusive method of approach, at this early stage. However I think the seeking/demonstrative approach can have its uses IRL definitely, and I guess I can see it being useful to a certain extent online also, it's something i'm interested in, so i'll give it some observation for further posts.

I guess i'm wanting to put down some of my general thoughts just now..they're kind of not fully formed, I would have prefered to have held off, but dunno..somehow I think putting down some general thoughts/impressions just now *might* have it's uses..for anyone else who's reading (read this far) and Java.

Anyway, i'm possibly rambling now, besides.. in the meantime i'll be shortly getting dragged out to a social event, so I need to go get ready n put on my nice new denims and that kind of ok t-shirt I bought last week. Analysing Java type would be much more interesting.