Hi, I'm new to this forum. I learned about socionics pretty recently and love it!
When I first meet people, I'm am quiet and reserved, then, once I am confortable, I am the silliest, more animated person in the room, performing, telling funny stories where I don't just move my hands but get up and act out the story with my whole body. I actually loved school as a kid, love to learn, got straight A's, the quiet, sweet little girl who wore big glasses and was the teacher's pet, then I would come home and be an outgoing center of attention, making up skits and magic shows for the neighborhood. Then I would go take a walk in the woods alone and see magical fairies in the forest and pretend I was a time traveler for hours all by myself. So I feel I have these 2 aspects to myself about I/E stuff that I'm not sure of. My whole life I have always, even as an adult, gotten away with breaking rules that anyone else would be reprimanded for. When I break rules, people just wink at me and laugh and say how cute I am. I love to cook for people, but only if they don't know I'm going to. I love to read fiction, all types, but nothing too heavy. I have this connection with the earth and all things on the earth and can feel how everything is connected. I can figure out an entire movie, even as a child in the first 2 minutes. I just know what is going to happen. I was late to my own wedding. Seriously, I was LOL I am late to everything, but again, people love me anyway. I'm not really sure what I should write on this post to help. Any suggestions or questions for me? Thank you, Erin