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This thread is a joke.
It may even look bad for those who don't like this style of humour. You'll either like or hate this joke. I'm open to critiques though.


What can we say about LSE's ? Let me think... oh! that's right! They're BORING. You know. LSE's are boring.

LSE's are workaholics. They always feel the need to do something, because they have as function 1. As ST types, they're narrow-minded. Less than LSI's though.

As leisure, LSE's like to have sex. All LSE's are pedophiles. They all fantasise about female EII children, because they're quiet and physically weak. That's right. LSE's are strong and manly, whereas EII's are weak and girly. LSE's think they're alpha males, pretty much like other ST's.

But because pedophilia is illegal, LSE's don't do it. They have strong . So they usually care about laws, even if deep in theirselves, they don't give a fuckshit. So they're likely to marry an EII legally, and then infantilise her, because it's a way for LSE's to fulfil their stupid fantasy.

LSE's like to lead others. They fake not being pushy (unlike SLE's or LSI's) in order to appear like some friendly, win-win-oriented leader, instead of appearing like all those pushy retards who think that life is a zero-sum game. Beta ST's think "I win, you lose". Delta ST's think "I win, you win". Remember.

LSE's are obsessive-compulsive perfectionists. They are obsessed with efficiency and quality. If something or someone isn't efficient, it should be considered useless. If something or someone isn't "good", it should be considered... unpleasant. And then useless.

LSE's are asocial nerds. Except that unlike LIE's, they usually try to be agreeable to others (with their ), so they look less nerdy. But believe me. They're nerds. They only think "work", "work", "work". They're always busy with their stupid work. They work even while sleeping. They don't really have friends, because they think they're useless and time-consuming.

LSE's plan everything :

When they want to start some project, they plan it.
When they want to have sex with their infantilised EII, they plan it.
When they want to fix their car, they plan it.
When they want to die, they plan it.

That's right. LSE's are OBSESSIVE. And then, LSE's complain that nobody like them because of their obsessive behaviours ? You know, LSE's feel alone in the world. Work is a way to have some relief for their loneliness.

LSE's are nervous and restless. In order to relax, LSE's enjoy boozing, like all manly men.

What can I say more about LSE's ? They're boring.

E1: boring bureaucrats
E2: boring models
E3: boring achievers (and liars)
E6: boring nerds
E8: boring cops