Rules are put in place for a reason, and without any sort of governing system things would be in chaos. It's also human nature to break rules that are set in place. If the authority figure has too much power, or the system of government, I am against this. The people should have power too, while the leader takes their needs into consideration and enacts just rules. People should definitely question the rules, if they weren't encouraged to or frowned upon when they do so, it's pretty much implied that it's not a democracy in my eyes.

But the reason for going against the rules should be solid, and not just chaos and rebellion for the sake of rebellion. If there were a constant state of warfare and rebellion, this would have cons too but change doesn't come about if people just let things continue as they are. We need to make a change if something seems to resemble a corrupt organization of system that previous reared it's head in history, the change may be slow and gradual though. People don't always learn from their mistakes though.