Short response:

Long response, feel free to ignore:
E6=1 (due to low conscientiousness..planning parties and events requires..planning!!!)
C4=3 (I suck at preparing and planning things, and hate doing it)
C9=1 (even when I try to organize my areas, within less than a day it's a mess again)
A2=3 (I fail in the aspects of making people comfortable that involve conscientiousness of the practical/sensory sort)
A7=3 (I don't normally insult people to their face except for shock value to drive home a point or more subtly as humor where the person usually knows I'm teasing them. I do have a bad habit of dissing someone behind their back, (they already know I don't like them so it's not like I'm being two-faced about it), but normally that dissing comes when I'm having to talk to someone close about the relationship/interaction so I can relieve some pent up stress and since I have to talk before I know what I'm thinking and need to hear what I'm thinking so that I can work on problem-solving that situation.)
A12=4 (I empathise easily, but I won't enable some things!)
(None of the openness had to do with..well...being open??? I don't consider myself a creative sort, I do think about spirituality but its an off/on kind of thing, and I don't have a complex vocabulary. Surely there's a better term for these things than "Openness".)