Get a piece of paper, or maybe do it in your head, if you can.

Rate the extent to which the following are usually characteristic of you (key below):

1. Starting a conversation with a stranger.
2. Making sure others are comfortable.
3. Creating an artwork, piece of writing, or piece of music.
4. Preparing for things well in advance.
5. Feeling blue or depressed.
6. Planning parties or social events.
7. Insulting people.
8. Thinking about philosophical or spiritual questions.
9. Letting things get into a mess.
10. Feeling stressed or worried.
11. Using difficult words.
12. Sympathizing with others' feelings.

For all questions other than 7 + 9:
Very uncharacteristic = 1
Moderately uncharacteristic = 2
Neither uncharacteristic nor characteristic = 3
Moderately characteristic = 4
Very characteristic = 5

For questions 7 + 9:
Very uncharacteristic = 5
Moderately uncharacteristic = 4
Neither uncharacteristic nor characteristic = 3
Moderately characteristic = 2
Very characteristic = 1

Extraversion = Q1 + Q6
Neuroticism = Q5 + Q10
Conscientiousness = Q4 + Q9
Agreeableness = Q2 + Q7 + Q12
Openness = Q3 + Q8 + Q11

For Extroversion, Neuroticism and Conscientiousness:
A score of 2, 3, or 4 means you are in the bottom 25% of the population ('Low').
A score of 5 or 6 means you are in the next 25% ('Low-Medium').
A score of 7 or 8 means you are in the next 25% ('Medium-High').
A score of 9 or 10 means you are in the top 25% ('High').

For Agreeableness:
A score of 10 or less means you are in the bottom 25% of the population ('Low').
A score of 11 or 12 means you are in the next 25% ('Low-Medium').
A score of 13 means you are in the next 25% ('Medium-High').
A score of 14 or 15 means you are in the top 25% ('High').

For Openness:
A score of 8 or less means you are in the bottom 25% of the population ('Low').
A score of 9 or 10 means you are in the next 25% ('Low-Medium').
A score of 11 or 12 means you are in the next 25% ('Medium-High').
A score of 13, 14 or 15 means you are in the top 25% ('High').