Quote Originally Posted by CuriousSoul
Quote Originally Posted by Topaz
Quote Originally Posted by Jadae
Can you find me one like that irl? =(
Submissiveness seems to be one of my biggest turn offs. I like people with a little fight in them and Im not even Delta ...but not aggresive either. Assertive works.
Yeah Ive met quite a few girls that have gone through some extensive lengths. They are just way too emotionally needy.
Submissive ESTJ sounds kind of cool, yeah, I want one.
I was wondering if I am the only one who would kind of like an emotionally needy, even clingy girl. Definitely not anyone who is happy all the time, smiles a lot and flirts openly. Anyway, I decided not to post a picture after all, it is easier to discuss sensitive topics anonymously.
Hmmm I dont know if you'll find a submissive ESTJ girl. They usually want a pliable flunky that will put their foot down when they go too far. ESTJ women sometimes like to present themselves as 'in charge' when underneath it all there are insecurities and squeemishness . I usually can see right through them but I dont step on thier sore spots but say enough to let them know that Im in control of what I do and they can come along if they want. :wink: That being said, somehow I always end up doing some 'little favor for them' IM NOT A FLUNKY.