I think you're a great example of someone who needs their dual very much, a confident one that you wouldn't scare the shit out of when you talk to them. They'd most likely stop you and just shake the shit out of you before telling you to chill the fuck out and be a bit more rational about your predicament.

Shitty things in life are much easier to blame on other people but most of the time you need to refocus your little lens on reality and see, oops... I fucked up there... and then fix the situation, even if you have to sacrifice a little pride to do so.

Seriously though, and I'd rather not put this the wrong way but there's no other way for me to say it... and of course I know you'll just attack the shit out of me for saying it. BUT... You seem to have some MAJOR issues when it comes to dealing with people... You can be the most intelligent person in the world, and reeeeeally think so like you obviously do... but when it comes down to it, that won't help you out in any way if nobody will take you seriously. Now, the problem... is that you come across as "serious" in all the wrong ways. Which, as you pointed out... scared the hell out of your professors and makes them want to "get rid of you."

It's really sad though, because I already know what your reply will be to this, and i'm sure there will be a you're not intelligent to be in this convo, or you don't know what you're talking about, or some other defensive remark telling me I'm full of shit and you're right because of x, y, z reasons... and deep down... this is your problem, it's much bigger than just this incident with school too though... I just hope that at some point you realize it.