Quote Originally Posted by UDP View Post
It doesn't fit in the system?
Well, good luck mate.

Maybe you can fit direct accountability into your system someday.
Direct accountability to what?

Did I mention that this instructor is a woman? The previous arguement problem I had was with a woman, also.

I'm seeing a kind of silent double-standardizing in effect here, that is running below the radar of conscious reason. If I confronted a man like such, I would have been told, "disagree with me if you like. You can drop the class if you prefer." I highly suspect that the reason the instructor reported me is because she was a woman who felt victimized by a man.

If women can't stand the heat... then we should respect that openly and consider that in our rulemaking, to whatever effect comes of that. Barring what for men is a natural means of assessing another's position in situations of conflict just so that women can feel more at ease, is a step too far. They want equality, then they'll have to settle for the same.

I also warn you UDP: in your youth and ignorance of the transcendent experience, you are projecting. You aren't being fair to me at all.