Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg View Post
ISTj-INTj relations are comparative, sure... but there is more to these relations than meets the eye. INTj and ISTj share functions of shadow archetype, which lends itself to projections of the worst nature. -Ti always feels threatened by +Ti just as +Ti is threatened by -Ti. In as much as INTj and ISTj would seek to defend their suggestive functions, -Ti is on guard against +Fi on behalf of -Fe, even as +Ti disdains -Fe for +Fi. Again, when there is mutual respect between the two these hostilities can be mitigated, but when either side feels the victory of its antithesis in imminent, the relationship will regress into negative projection as the ego uses whatever it feels it has at its disposal to fight off the aggressor. (real or imagined)
It doesn't matter how you analyze this tcau

You fucked up

You got suspended

You did something wrong

Just accept it. It's not socionics' fault, its your own