I got a bad grade on a test (thanks to the total Ne incompetence of my instructor), and after saying a few unkind words to her face ("I can't believe you failed me on this. I think I'm going to drop the class after this (a feasible option because only two exams are graded in the class, and a failing grade in one). Idiot.") she has decided to recommend my suspension from Miami University. I was quite angry about the grade -- considerable levels of bias were leveled in the critique of my test. Beyond that, this is HISTORY for crying out loud: INTjs DO NOT fail history as surely as Ni and Te are lodged in their id and directing toward every historically relevant bit of data out there.

Witness such gems as "the Lusitania sinking DID NOT contribute to U.S. suspicions of hostile intent by Germany" and "Darwin's theory of Natural Selection DOES NOT imply survival of the fittest". To INTjs... this stuff is trivial. That's the point though: I'm being discriminated against on basis of both my creativity -- which the instructor fears -- and my beliefs.

What's really going on, is that I in my naive, trusting way, approached her about the possibility of Saddam Hussein having had strong progressive instincts, something that most of you here know I've researched carefully and believe has considerable merit. She didn't like this at all and apparently thinks I've got to be stopped.... It may have been over the top to insult her, but hey, we're all adults... aren't we?

Stature? Well the first thing she can do is get off her high horse. I'm taking this very seriously though: if I get expelled from Miami, that'll go on my record and it may prove difficult to re-enroll anywhere. And, a suspension effectively merits expulsion because I've already made a loan for $2250 that is due six months after I "leave" college. Which means, I can't just back down. Even if I am suspended/expelled, I've got to do something to change their minds somehow.... As you all know, I'm all too politically resourceful.... Set +Ti behind +Te and let 'er rip! The unknown quality, which I'm actually more worried about, is the age of the board members, because if they're "over the hill", so to speak, Jung says they have a completely different thinking style that is all too accepting of proposed punishment for "upstart youngsters"....

Anyway, what to do about ISTj bitch?