Quote Originally Posted by Cone
Quote Originally Posted by Jadae
I still want to know why one would not want to be a friend to an INTp. Seems like type bias and I hope Im wrong. I would hope that anyone is capable of giving a fair chance. To not seems totally lame, "Im sorry, I cannot be your friend as you are not a type that I prefer." /boggle Isnt that predjudice? I seriously dont understand and Im trying to think of a justification for it but I simply cant unless, say, one was highly traumatized (phsycially, verbally, sexually, etc) by another type. I'd understand the associations that would draw...
Well, it's like, would you want to be friends with a rapist, murderer, or child molester? It may work out initially, but eventually you get it in the ass or the back.
What in the fuc...? Are you implying INTps are like that or are you implying that her relation to INTps would be like that. Either way, I find that silly-- fallacy: applying part to the whole as a congruent truth for the whole (I so could make a dirty joke with that one... but seriously, Preparation H is good on the whole).