@ implied
I hate to disagree with you as I often share your observations. I think Cone has acknowledged that his post in question has been exaggerated due to personal reasons. I do not believe that you have correctly observed an actual INFj closely, I have read many of your post on this matter and I am still waiting to see any person described that sounds like an INFj. You even once said INFjs were inclined to be practical... that is like a big joke. I just ignored that.
INFjs tend to be more in touch with their flaws/weaknesses than you can ever image. INFjs know it when they see it even if they have never previously acknowledged or recognized it. INFjs like to "confess" to personal flaws (to themselves) so that they can attempt to fix them.

Like when discojoe talked of buying his father a utilitarian type of gift because apparently INFjs like that. As offensive as that sounded at first, I instantly knew his father was indeed an INFj. Or when Topaz talked of INFj's secretly liking rebellious people who act out their(INFj) repressions a lot, I would not generally admit this, but I knew that it was likely that he was in close contact with an INFj to know that. No INFj would ever willingly tell you that. How many INFjs here could honestly say that they take of and go to parties if they are upset enough like Cone's friend does?

I think I agree with many of your observations.


Quote Originally Posted by Cone
I thought the INFjs would be pissed at me.

Yes, but perhaps you figured that you would be ignored like all the other times. Generally, there is a trend here among certain people to "pick" on types they figure will not hit back or have few or no representatives here.

I don't know, I think we're both insecure about something. Like I said, he's impossible to impress, as nothing I do is good enough for him.
I am sure if he is really an INFj then he must be impressed by quite a few things about you if he persists in being your friend. Not all INFjs find it comfortable to express compliments even if they are thinking many good things about a person. This is a flaw common to INFjs and others.

How am I supposed to say good things about him when he never acknowledges anything I do? Ugh, I feel like a child complaining about his father. Ok, perhaps I accent his weaknesses way too much, but for christ's sake, realize that I am not the only sick, immoral bastard on the planet! Shall I sugarcoat my INFj description like everyone else does? Does complaining about something really make me an insecure person
Why do you so badly want to impress him?
Most likely he is secretly admiring you. This introduces us to a second INFj flaw which is the secret insecurity about expressing compliments to some people. I note and admire many things about INTps here and in real life. I often do not know how to say it in case it comes out "wrong" or insincere sounding. Things like you are often very funny without even trying to be and your grammar and punctuation is near flawless. I have noted and marvelled at how you accomplish these things on many occasions. Of course, praise seem like it could be something that INTps don't welcome as much or I might think that the things I really admire about INTps may not be that important to them. I am now even marvelling at how you have managed to neutralize the force of my little attack. If I decide to leave my "resting state" I am not usually as quick to go back to it.

I do not think INFjs are sugar coated here. If you were an INFj you would probably really dislike being considered passive, always serious, outwardly cold and the repressed librarian, all giving, all loving, absolutely not cool type.