Quote Originally Posted by Sereno View Post
Getting all of that from an initial interaction is impressive, but I would say that it's better to replace the statements with possibilities: "might be a covert cheater," "might have something to hide," etc. In all honesty, I have seen this applied to ISTps (more towards Te types), that's why I say that there is a possibility. I think it's smart to think of these things and keep them in the back of your mind, and if it turns out not to be true, then you just let them go; but if they are true, then you won't be surprised and hopefully you haven't set yourself up for pain. I've had to learn this the hard way, considering how trusting I can be.

LSE and SLI scare the shit out of me with how good they are at witholding things and being secretive, that I find it hard to trust them completely. I'm not saying that they are like that necessarily, but they sure have the potential for it.
Sereno, if you have time, could you describe your experience with the SLI-Te? (My favorite type/subtype, btw... SLI-Te--they're hilarious!)