Quote Originally Posted by Ezra View Post
I've never stuck anyone on my ignore list and I never thought I would. I never thought I could kill a man and I never thought a man would go on my deathlist. Phaedrus has just gone onto both lists. My patience with him has completely worn out.
Which means that you ignore the truth and insted stick to your deluded self-conception and erroneus understanding of the types. I don't care how you perceive me, but you simply must see the truth. Open your eyes and realize that you cannot hold the position you now have. It is a logically impossible position to uphold. Two contradictory statements can't both be true, and and an SLE can NEVER EVER be an ENTJ.

He claims that all these methods point towards LIE, but he makes a huge mistake of not even discussing the functions when addressing why I think I am Se leading.
And there is very simple explanation for that: You have misunderstood how the functions relate to your own type. Since all the empirical evidence clearly suggest that you are a LIE, then you MUST have misunderstood something about the functions if you believe that you are Se leading, because you cannot both be Se leading and accept those test results as accurate. You are necessarily deluded one way or the other.

If you prefer to say that you cannot answer tests correctly, I don't mind that, it's your choice. It would solve the problem -- but only if you accept that you are not an ENTJ, that you have to identify with SCUEN or SLUEN in Global 5, that you necessarily belong to the club of Pragmatists in Socionics, and that you must identify with being a Sensory and Irrational type, which means that you must identify with those dimensions in the four dichotomies. If you do that, I am prepared to accept you as an SLE.