Quote Originally Posted by Mariano Rajoy View Post
Your comment is irrelevant in that it disregards what I responded to. Re-read what Phaedrus wrote: he [ezra] has no reason to believe that he is an SLE. On what grounds does Phaedrus make this claim?
Why haven't you checked the facts? Why don't you take this seriously? You are ignorant, and that is irritating.

Ezra have tested as ENTJ on many occasions. He identifies with the Rational temperament in Keirsey's book Please Understand me II, he identifies with the club of NT Researchers in Socionics, he says that he is an SLOEI or SCOEI (I don't remember which one of these two types it was) in the Global 5, which strongly indicates that he is an ENTJ, and he says that he is an ENTJ in MBTT and Keirsey. Besides that, he also identifies with Extraversion, Intuition, Thinking, and Rationality in the four dimensions in Socionics, as well as the four dimensions E, N, T, and J in MBTT and Keirsey.

And still he has got this idiotic, and incredibly stupid idea that he is leading in Socionics. It's more than I can take. I find such lack of consistency in logical reasoning disgusting.