Quote Originally Posted by Mariano Rajoy View Post
Your comment is irrelevant in that it disregards what I responded to. Re-read what Phaedrus wrote: he [ezra] has no reason to believe that he is an SLE.
Ok. Perhaps Phaedrus should have wrote 'has little reason to believe that he is an SLE' or 'has more reason to accept another type' I try see past the occasionial semantic of people (sometimes ) esp if they've got other stuff to say with it.
It was also funny to suggest Phaedrus shake the hand of the person that he insulted via the internet.
I can understand this, but i've pretty much come to realise this is Phaedrus' way of communicating, he doesn't (usually) mean to actually insult anyone. Once you see past this then you can see the guy does have some useful things to say, I reckon.
Furthermore the title of this thread is 'clubs on wikisocion', not 'what is ezra's type'.
Yeah, but incase you didn't notice (),, Ezra's saying they're wrong because he doesn't identify with ST - he might not be ST.
Clubs are pretty sweet, by the way.
Well, their better what happened to that Welsh guy during that recent earthquake. You know, the Welsh guy that got hit in the bollocks by a brick.