Quote Originally Posted by k0rpsey View Post
They make perfect sense if extroversion and introversion are considered in their sense of cognitive relation to world and self (as I pointed out in your other thread), not behaviorally (where they're better understood as gregariousness and reservedness). What I find more problematic is the creation of confusing cant that introduces obscure, unnecessary, and context-dependent connotations to terms that already possess established and widely accepted definitions.
In short, you mean you do not like the idea of using "physical" and "spiritual"? Okay, I can see your point.

It still is a little confusing, though, using "Internal" and "External." When I first came across the terms, anyway, I figured they were just another way of saying "Introversion" and "Extroversion," so I'm sure many others have probably confused the two as well.

Maybe the least confusing terms would be "Observable" and "Invisible" or something like that...

Bah, now this thread has turned into a semantics discussion...oh well.