UDP, not all things work for everybody, so quit assuming that "being strong and pushing forward" is the way to go. When a close friend of mine committed suicide, I got together with other friends who knew and loved her almost every day and for months all we ever talked about was her, her life, and the circumstances of her death. To outsiders, we must have seemed obsessed, but it's what we all needed at the time and today we all agree that it helped us pull through. And this girl on myspace might need this, too.

I am, to be very honest, thoroughly put out with your "be strong or perish" bullshit. Good for you if you can be an ascetic and courageous hero in all walks of life. Others can't be that or, guess what, don't want to be that. When I mourned my friend, I hard a hard time letting go and it was good that I realized that and took my time. There is no one answer to how people should deal with trauma, so quit assuming you have all the answers.