What kind of careers/lifestyles/ways do you think Betas end up persuing, and why?
What kind of careers/lifestyles/ways do you think Betas end up persuing, and why?
Anything that feels good to us and somehow makes a buck? I dunno. I could outline the MBTI stereotypes if you want me to...
OK, but what would feel good to Betas?
I will give you some examples I know, of people about whose type I'm reasonably certain:
ISTj: lab technician - mechanical engineer and production manager - quality manager in industrial plant - technical sales engineer
INFp: Music teacher
ESTp: used car salesman - professional scuba diver
ENFj: salesman - chemical engineer
, LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
Originally Posted by implied
Ewwww, I just bought a new car. I remember telling my family that I'd rather shoot myself than be a saleman. And chemical engineer. That's just hilarious. I believe you btw... it just reminds of some things from MBTI stating that ENFjs often land in careers that are "against their grain" and that they become unhappy due to this so that negative Si/Te aspects begin to manifest. However, I do think an ENFj could do these jobs to full capacity (anyone that is not an extreme exception could do any job really)... but would it be fulfilling is the question. I doubt so.
Hugo's part B on the main page might be more indicative of what could possibly be fulfilling for betas.
Altho the real question was what they end up pursuing. Your answer for ENFj's is probably as broad as the political stats on ENFjs-- all over the freaking board in equal distribution due to that people-loving/pleasing Fe. I'm failry sure that ESTp is similar. The introverted side may be a tad more selective. Just a guess.
ESTp: professional scuba diver
That's the only one of the one's mentioned that I could see myself living with. Music teacher maybe but I wouldnt be deserving as there are definitely those that are more passionate about it.