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Last edited by DeleteMePLOX; 01-23-2008 at 01:02 PM.
umm.. this sounds like Introversion.Originally Posted by ChibiKeba
Wow, must people don't know their own room numbers... but not knowing the teachers' names is super-detached. Again I'd say this is more Introversion, though, because Introverts are the more detached ones.In school I never knew any of my class room numbers, I always just knew where to go practically by feeling my way there (or just day dreaming and then waking up and finding myself there^^; ). Of course that became a problem when one day the teacher decided to ask us what room no# we were in on a test (it was supposed to be one of those nice little bonus questions to help everyone out) and I was the only one unable to answer^^; The teacher thought I had problems and couldn't understand how I couldn't know my own room number. Hell I didn't even know that bitches name ;;; Or...any of my teachers names...for that matter O.o;
... Fe?The physical also never bothers me as much as mental and emotional do, hell half the time I never even notice that I've been injured until much later, but say something that strokes me the wrong way and I become a whiny overly dramatic biznatch J-chan knows this all too well...(wish he'd get his beaner butt over here and post already )
LOL, that "dreams that come true thing" I don't think is realted to type, although some people claim it is. "Intuitive" types don't neccessarily have the classical "intuition" that you are thinking of... and Sensors still have intuitions as well. As for the second part, again, it seems like you are confusing Introversion with Intuition (actually, some things about Introversion and Intuition DO sound similar...).I've had dreams that come true (thou sadly usually only about inane shizaught). I daydream alot about how to approach people in a conversation: "Okay, if I do it this way this is how she's going to react, but if I do it that way I'll probably get a more positive result and maybe even some candeh!"
Sensors think about the future, too.... this ones hard to exaplin, and I wish I had a better answer, sorry. And I have been accussed of daydreaming too much as well. (Introverted Sensing can be like that). As for getting your thoughts down for people to read, that is, again, Introversion.Also I'm often in na na land in RL, always daydreaming and prospecting future outcomes and wondering about all sorts of things. When I'm on the net it's all about getting my thoughts down where people can read them. Since this is more thought based to me of course I'm going to be more here I like choo choo train... Also most of my friends are sensory and I had to learn to communicate in a way that they can understand, like finding a common ground. I lurve learning about different people so that I can understand them and communicate with them mo bettah butter.
I'm just starting to realize that people confuse ISxx types for Intuitives way too much.I need sensory escapism to distract my mind from time to time, it doesn't always work thou...the thoughts flood back to me and sometimes it's really to painful to deal with. That's when video games do the trick yasur *nod* <--Look at my ability to communicate in a sensory fashion, it is breathtaking no?
Ahhh.. Introversion again.Thou I think I have more gumption then most P types I'm very lazy sadly and constantly have to fight with the part of myself that wants to get my comics done and the part that wants to lay around and play video games and daydream about hawt bipolar bondage riddled alien tentacle saix complete with mind interface^^; that and eat tacos. Tacos are gud.
But I do care an awful lot about about people being treated fairly, and about helping out the underdog, something I think is an ISFj tendancy so who knows =/ I am a strange little nugget...every test I've taken for socionics has come out INFp, I get INFP or INFJ in MBTI usually. In fact when I first came to these forums I thought MBTI and socionics were the same thing and since I had only taken MBTI tests I was for sure I was an INFj since the type description there fits me better then the INFP for MBTI. Now after learning what I have about the differences between Socionics and MBTI I'm fairly certain that I'd be an INFp in socionics and MBTI or possibly an INFJ in MBTI.
The caring about people being treated fairly is an ISFp trait in socionics...
Yup, this is actually Ixxp.Another thing that struck me when I read the INFp profile is the fear of being ignored. I have serious issues with that, like when people are conversing around me and I try to join in and they talk over me it hurts me badly if does. I then don't keep my fat mouth shut about it either as I confront everyone in the room about it (WHY ARE YOU IGNORING ME YOU FECKS?!!) You'll never see a reaction like that from me online, but I do it often in real life. Online I have alot more time to sit and think about my responses and to control my raging emo in a more tactful manner =P
IxFp?I don't want to be the center of attention but when I have company come over (company that I like and can get along with anyways) I do feel the need to entertain them. I feel that I have to be entertaining and I pay very close attention to how they're feeling (or seem to be feeling) and adjust accordingly. I've become less like that thou, I don't feel the need to be that way as much as I used to. Socionics has made me realize alot of things about myself that I never really paid attention to before
Anyways I hope I put enough options on the poll, those are just the ones that I think other people have thought of me as. But if there's another type you think I might be and it's not on the poll just comment and I'll add it on there :wink:
Daymn...this is getting way to long. Okies, I'ma go eat meh some cupcakes and watch South Park (and force myself to draw while I do so )
I don't see what's so important about the possibility of extraterrestrial life. It's just more people to declare war on.
Woah... tidal wave of !!!
ISFp, because we don't have NEARLY enough of them. That and they rule.
GO ALPHA!!! w00t.
But, for a certainty, back then,
We loved so many, yet hated so much,
We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...
Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
Whilst our laughter echoed,
Under cerulean skies...
That attention thing applies to both IxFps. That, plus how can you be sure that the other person is just another mistyped ISFp? It happens all the time...Originally Posted by Diana
Fuck, I'm not an ENTp after all.
I change my mind, though. After rereading the little description, she sounds INFp to me.
But, for a certainty, back then,
We loved so many, yet hated so much,
We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...
Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
Whilst our laughter echoed,
Under cerulean skies...
Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit
Chibi, you sound INFp to me. You remind me of my best friend, who is an INFp.
Also, I'm sure you hear this a lot, but your art is really very pretty. So fanciful and imaginative. I really like it. Plus you are obviously very talented. I don't know much about art, but it looks like you use a computer program to ink, shade, and color???
EDIT: INFps are always welcome in Alpha. Except baby.
It actually is really good. I especially like the snow pic.
Yeah, you're INFp.
I don't see what's so important about the possibility of extraterrestrial life. It's just more people to declare war on.
WTF?Originally Posted by krae
sarcasm she is trying too hard to be infp.
I don't see what's so important about the possibility of extraterrestrial life. It's just more people to declare war on.
She IS INFp.
Are all ENTp's this arrogant? I must not be one of, I'm much too good for that.
But, for a certainty, back then,
We loved so many, yet hated so much,
We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...
Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
Whilst our laughter echoed,
Under cerulean skies...
Don't even start with me, moron.Originally Posted by gilligan87
You're not ENTp at all.
Chibi, you're too cute. Just like my INFp friend Kelly. You gotta be INFp!
Chibikeba - it almost looks like you're hiding behind your , just in case you'll get a result that you don't like (ISFp).
Why can't you see yourself as a Sensor?
ISFp, Fe subtype.
Which describes you better?
OR* vision and the sensation of the development of the remote processes in the dynamics of time over the scale long term in connection with society and remote objects - dialectics of time.
* the estimation of opportuneness and urgency of actions over the long term.
* the skill to understand the interrelation of times, to see tendencies, to predict the motion of the course of events, to see prospects on the basis of the calculation of errors - tendency toward the predictions.
* the realization of time as certain substance, up to its physical sensation.
* the skill to govern the time of other people.
* strategic planning - sharp shifts, revolution, jump in the time as consequence - anxiety, vague uneasiness, discrepancy, the duration of the moment of decisive actions.
* a feeling of danger and ripening of crisis - insurance against troubles and danger.
* mystical imagination, convergence.
* the ability to feel the physical properties of the objects of the nearest environment.
* tendency toward the cosiness and the skill it to create in the limited space.
* the skill to surround itself by beautiful things.
* aesthetics and the accordion of object, ergonomics of object.
* tendency toward the satisfaction of its physical needs (sibaritstvo), the skill to avoid discomfort.
* memory to the personal physical sensations, the ability to reproduce them.
* orientation to the information about the close surrounding space, obtained through the well developed sensory organs, directed toward the pleasant sensations, weakening, enjoyment, pleasure.
* tendency toward the tactile contact: the sensitivity of touchs.
* health as the collection of the sensations of body.
And another:
OR* understanding the emotional state of individual person, influence on his mood.
* the skill to force man emotionally to be opened, to appear its feelings: the skill to find individual approach to the man, to play "on the necessary strings" the showers through the manifestation of its positive emotions.
* the open expression of its emotions, the demonstration of its feelings, epatazh, tendency toward the theatricality in the chamber situation.
* sensitiveness, drops in the moods, fervency in the local situations; - the animation of different objects of custom (?).
* the creation of the emotional atmosphere in the small association (forcing of situation, enthusiasm, emotional lift): control of the emotional background of small group, directed toward the creation of happiness, merriment, enthusiasm, optimism, generally good mood.
* tendency toward recitations, artistic taste for "its" (entire spectrum of intonations, expressive pauses, significant views, rich mimicry).
* personal emotions, its mood, its passion, personal artistic taste and artistic taste of one concrete actor, its nervousness, power engineering its the nearest environment.
* understanding the emotional state of the group of people, influence on the mood of groups - from the small to the large.
* the skill to force man emotionally to be opened, to appear its feelings through the demonstration of its negative emotions - to mountain, grief, melancholy, emotional decrease, depression, weeping, tear, dissatisfaction, pessimism, poor mood, the experience of misfortune.
* the skill to find individual approach to the groups of people, to play "on the necessary strings" of human passions.
* the open expression of its emotions, the demonstration of its feelings, epatazh, tendency toward the theatricality - gallery play in the broad sense.
* sensitiveness, drops in the moods, fervency, fanaticism on a global scale.
* the creation of the emotional atmosphere in the large association, the society through the forcing of situation, the "electrization". Control of emotionalism and power engineering of the associations.
* tendency toward the oratorical skill, artistic taste (entire spectrum of intonations, expressive pauses, significant views, rich mimicry) and intrigues.
Really, I don't think intuition has much to do with some "mystical qualities" or the ability to predict the future; that is just taking the original functions and trying to expoit the name of it by using the dictionary defintion.
ChibiKeba - don't rule ISFp out just yet.
For my own curiosity - which do you value more?
OR* estimation and the skill to recognize the positive potential qualities of individual person, his possibility.
* estimation and the skill to recognize prospect, potential possibilities of the concrete oveshchestvlennykh ideas and undertakings.
* the ability to see essence and principles of the concrete oveshchestvlennykh ideas and theories, the vision of their variability and the skill to make optimum selection.
* aim to the novelty, the hypothetical nature, the originality, the unusualness.
* adaptability to the faith and the idealism.
* the spontaneity of thinking.
* tendency toward the radical conversions.
* everyday insight.
* the estimation of the external (form, physical force) and volitional qualities of man, in the context of the capability of the latter for leadership and control.
* the skill to defend the collective interests: piercing power, persistence, confidence in itself.
* the assertion of its interests due to the collective: collective interests prevail and overgrow into the personal.
* the skill to mobilize the large groups of people for achieving of the goal presented: exactingness, control, volitional pressure from top to bottom, the power methods of achievement of the objective.
* the assumption of power, leadership: offensive tactics - attack, aggression, attack, initiative.
* marginal importance to the possession of atributikoy authority.
* the skill to estimate the arrangement of forces of the opposing groups: subordination to the external superior forces (collaboration), the destruction of weak.
* the clear sensation of space around itself and objects, the sensation of the influence of space on the objects.
* capability for overcoming of elements.
* health as public institute.
... not caring so much for other people, and just fending for yourself, is a stereotypical Sensing trait...
That doesn't sound very INFp. The INFp tends to ignore reality rather than be disappointed with it.Originally Posted by ChibiKeba
I sincerely hope you're not presuming that all the rest of us grew up under "normal" circumstances?Originally Posted by ChibiKeba
Edit (Since no one bothered to translate my number code.)
After reading the descriptions of INFp and ISFp (plus I've read all of the other type descriptions) and coupled with what I know about Kelly (she is my wife) I would type her as INFp.
Though grant it she does posses aspects of ISFp, knowing her in person you would see her INFp characteristics are more prevelent. As an artist she is/has to be sensory, her art is an interpretation of her surroundings and emotions, she's not an architech, she creates from imagination not strict realism.
I don't think I know a single artist who isn't sensory. Kelly's style of art is bright colored yes (could imply sensory) and from her perspective color is an expression of emotion and thought, by looking at the colors you can intuit what she's feeling and what she is thinking/dreaming.
Kelly is a very sensitive individual who grew up with heinous physical and mental abuse. She is striving to reconcile her experiences/memories of the negative she has endured by "finding"/understanding herself, her friends, family, and abusers in the study of psychology and personality.
Kelly is not outwardly amicable, nor does she always appear optimistic and in a good spirit. Most people ingnore her and go so far as to dislike even before knowing her. She doesn't impose her will on others, though hiding her real feelings, especially anger she does not do well, you can tell when she is annoyed. It radiates like heat from her body. She's not always equally warm, caring, or smiling, she is careful and protective of herself. She does not like to ask and moreover to demand favors, and doesn't necessarily strive to satisfy her needs through her own efforts, she typically puts those needs after the needs of others. She is always quick to lend a helping hand.
As an artist she is of course appreciative of all facets of life, she loves animals and the woods. She loves to experience nature. Froclicking in the woods and climbing her mountain when she was young were her escapes and refuge from the terrible things she always had to return to. Though she is capable of remembering and reproducing emotions once experienced, especially through her art. She loves pleasures and but doesn't necessarily know how to bestow them , but this is something that is hone with practice.
Anway I don't want to make this an insanely long post, I'm not sure how socionics can type a person who is well rounded and has experienced massive physical and mental abuse. I won't get into the details of what Kelly survived, but most people don't experience the extremes of abuse she did. I find it hard to really type her because she has aspect of more than one personality type, not one do I see her dominant in compared to another. But if I had to choose I would pick INFp.
Sounds like you've got a good guy who cares an awful lot about you Kelly. Go give him a big hug!