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Thread: Accepting/Creating, Static/Dynamic, and Limiting/Empowering

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    Ti centric krieger's Avatar
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    Default Accepting/Creating, Static/Dynamic, and Limiting/Empowering

    An attempt at creating abstract descriptions of the notions Accepting/Creating, Limiting/Empowering, and their roles in the distribution over Static/Dynamic in dual couples. Needless to say, this is a TiNe heavy area. Expect regular updates.

    Accepting/Limiting/Dynamic: A constatation. The event of noticing a piece of data that both invites new speculations and puts a limit on the possible situations outside. Also the activity of processing this data in the most meticulous way, tracking all possible oppurtunities to ruminate -- though not investing in a particular ruminatory attempt -- taking data for what it is and drawing sound conclusions from it.

    Accepting/Empowering/Static: A rumination. An attempt at fitting an observation into a larger context, the result of which is taken to be contingent, one amongst many possible options and in itself not to be taken very seriously. Despite one's lacking faith in the rumination's validity one explores it in full with one's full reserve of attention. The act of studying a single element out of large number of options and not sticking to the findings. Any point made from this kind of function is one of the format: "this is possible state of affairs" althought this particular format of speech is often forgone in favor of more determined phraseology (something that often confuses people who are of different dispositions than the speaker).

    Creating/Limiting/Static: A theoretical limitation. A factor that persisted through all attempted speculations. A part of reality that was found to limit the reach of one's imagination such that one was forced to acknowledge it as absolute. A principle that one comes to realize as impossible to ignore after long periods of deliberation. Also a product that one can transfer to others in the format of a belief to be either accepted or rejected by every recipient.

    Creating/Empowering/Dynamic: An enigma. A frivolous, contingent expression of a principle operating behind the screens. The part of an observation that one wishes to understand but rarely does in an immediate way. A missing piece in the puzzle of ones understanding that only falls in place once one is met with the principle or law that brought the pertaining expression about. Also a reproduction of an expression of a principle that one does know, an application of a law allowing erudite, flairful behavior with a high degree of correctness in relation to the standards to which said behavior is held. The claim that a certain observable thing is true made from firm knowledge of what one is talking about.

    Accepting function: this function deals with lawless information. It is data that is handled and worked with, predicted rather than understood and deduced from. It is understood to be the irreducable essence of the world that any questions about are unintelligible; impossible to answer due to the self-evidence of the matter. The accepting function signifies a person's ability to be flexible, to adapt and to respond quickly to the situation at hand. Any data regarding this function can be used and processed in an immediate way without complications.

    Creating function: this function deals with lawful information. It is data that is tried to be understood in a deep way and to be found laws and principles in. It is understood to be reducible to it's counterpart form of information, rather meaningless in itself but a useful way of organizing real information such that it is a container in which large deposits of information are held. The creating function signifies a person's work efforts, his/her attempts and acheivements to trancend his/her normal position. Data regarding this function can only be handled upon having succeeded at understanding the hidden part of the world that came to have it make sense.
    Last edited by krieger; 05-16-2008 at 08:00 PM.

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