Quote Originally Posted by jewels View Post
well, for Jessica to love her, and me to hate her, I'm guessing she's an ENTp. ISTps love their semi-dual.

ENTps (like ENFps) can appear like introverts. I get a sort of "I'm intelligent and better than you, while trying to appear casual and laid back" vibe from her.

And her expression is quite ENTp looking.
Agree. On most things you said.

Except, Jessica now self-types as LSI and seems to like EIEs? Are we still thinking she's SLI? I guess LSIs would be ok with ILEs too?

Also I think ILEs are more likely than IEEs to seem extraverted because of their Fe-HA. I do agree Maggie VI's ILE though.

A little off topic but why is it that ISTp's love their semi-dual and ENFp's don't like their semi-dual as much? Maybe i'm overgeneralizing, but this has been true in my experience as well.