Quote Originally Posted by esper
I get really excited by possibilities. When someone introduces a new possibility in my life, I think, ohhhh we could do this or this or this or this! Or like, reading about the new military robot "Big Dog" gets me so excited about the future potential of science. I start thinking about all the wonderful possibilities this could lead us to. I love reading up on new developments in anything--technology, psychology, etc.
hmm...you're INFp? The way you described it doesn't necessarily point to Ni or Ne, but the bolded part seemed more Ne. What I find the difference between Ne and Ni to be, in this regard, is that Ni is constantly scanning possibilities and creating internal abstractions, which translates to vision. It comes down to whether they can implement it with their Se. Ne, on the other hand, is constantly scanning possibilities as external possibilities, creating an attitude of always seeking new developments. From that perspective, an Ne may act on the possibilities more frequently than, but not as significantly as, the Ni person who applies that vision ruthlessly every now and then.