I'm LIE. I want to make money for the rest of my life so I can make more money, in order to make more money, so that I can continue making money, for the use of my money-making pursuits so that when I die, I'll be so dead, I'll be raking in that money like sand on a beach. MONEY MONEY MONEY!!!!!!!

Here's a picture to prove I am an LIE.

I am hanging around with rich businessmen, also LIEs. Notice the blankness on our faces, indicative of weak Fe. Also notice how I'm caught mid-yawn, making me appear ape-like, which shows Si PoLR. I'm only wearing the suit to further my advancements in society; it's to do with Te and effectiveness, not Si and neatness. I'm not an LSE. I want money and money, not to bend over for authority ("yes, sir, I will do this because I am a sucker for the rules; please give me more orders"). I am my own man, just like an LIE.

This also proves I am LIE.

No Fe valuer has a blank face when drunk and having their photo taken in a club. The other two are Delta, because their faces are clear (Si valuers who pay too much attention to their complexion). Because I am Gamma, my face is spotty (Si PoLR). I don't care how I look in photos. Hence, LIE.

Don't try to convince me otherwise. I am so LIE I don't even need an argument. I just stare you in the face and you go "LIE". You bask in the warmth of my Te, coupled with my Ni which hypnotises you to think about time more. Only my dual can bring us all back down to earth by doing me in the arse, because I am a Victim. Maybe BulletsAndDoves could've done this, but he is a Victim too, so it wouldn't work. He'd want me to jab his arse alternately, which I couldn't, because we're both Victims. It's like Yin Yin:

Crap quality courtesy of MS Paint.

When I'm hungry, I don't eat. I let my stomach rumble, and starve it. I would rather make money than grab a sandwich or make some pasta. Even when I'm not making money, I'm making money. That's how LIE I am. Therefore I am LIE.