So, abit about myself

Right now, I'm at the point in my life where I want to bring out the best in others. I can appreciate a person for who they are, at this point I'm considering being a motivational speaker. I consider myself highly optimistic. I used to think ALOT, recently(after indulging in self development and philosophy) I've come to learn to forget the future/past and live in the now(although, I'm still adjusting). When I'm at home, I think, but when outside, I shut it off.

I consider myself rational, often pondering theories. While I could care less what other people think, I keep myself guarded. I have the ability for charisma & make friends/lovers easily. I don't often use it(unless I conciously do so). Its hard for me to grow to trust people and expose myself. Plus I have a tight knit group of friends, so I see no need to expand.

I see myself as a logical person. I always take the objective side of things, and don't put my feelings into it. If a decision needs to be made, I weigh the risks with the benefits. However, I can also be impulsive, (specifically with money) When my friends/family/loved ones are involved, emotion takes a HUGE leap in my decision making. Logic is still there, but emotions make me rationalize behavior that I normally would disapprove of. That can only go so far, though.

I value the people in my life to a great extent, even to the point where I would put them above myself. VERY LOYAL. However, I've recently learn to put myself above everyone, and to stick to my values.

I don't really think about leadership. If there needs to be a leader, I'll take on the role. If another decides to step up, then that's cool too. However, when I'm talking to someone I like, I'll be more assertive. I know when to step up and when not to, and when it quite frankly doesn't matter. LOL.

Definitely more go with the flow, disorganized(but in an organized kind of way). Very spontaneous, dislike routines. LOVE making jokes & amusing myself, been told to have a great sense of humor. Laid back. Life is about happiness, having FUN. I care about the emotions of people close to me, ALOT. If they're not close, I still care but to a lesser extent.

When at home/friends I can let LOOSE. Now, Im becoming alot more comfortable letting lose in social environments. Internally focused, want to bring out the best within myself, not rely on others to do it for me(self-sufficient?)I have lots of energy. LOTS, enthusiastic, like to keep a great vibe between the group. Love to inspire people, makes me feel good =). Can calm down when needed/appropriate. Confident, depending on situation. Unique, don't gravitate towards social norms. My ideas reality constructs/ethics/moralities way different then the next. LOVE to debate/discuss ideas(especially abstract concepts). I've questioned/question ALOT of things, very inquisitive. Social interactions are really really interesting, studying them is a hobby of mine. Doing and thinking both have their place, think on the huge stuff, just go for it on the little stuff.

Expressing feelings..hmm..Sometimes it's easy, sometimes it's difficult. When I feel something emotionally, like really feel it, I know what's bothering me/feel the topic, it can be easy to articulate, I get passionate. When I get into emotional topics I express it, but if I'm just asked how I feel, I won't go into depth. NON- judgemental, person feels at ease talking to me.

Consider myself practical, and very interested in ideas. I have an awesome sense of imagination. I'll try out different things, see which works best for me. I like to go into the depth of things, get past the surface(whether it be people, or ideas) Persistent/determined if I find something worthwhile, if not, ehhh...

Music's my passion, love listening to it, and creating it. One thing I really love about music is how you can take something considered negative, like pain, and turn it into something beautiful. I have grown to have a deep appreciation for the strength it takes for someone to overcome struggle. More articulate when I write, than speaking.

Feels like I'm missing something. Meh, Hopefully, this is enough bragging. LOL