Quote Originally Posted by Joy View Post
He's just believing what he wants to believe. The way he insists is more type related than what he insists, I think. I see no hint of an IP temperament in him. I think he's a rational type. Ti > Te, Se > Si.

Quote Originally Posted by Slacker Mom View Post
What the hell is that? I can't follow that logic. I read that like two dozen times and I still couldn't follow that logic. In the way that I can't follow Ti logic.

Add to that his constant use of Se (certainly anti-Ne anyway) language like "Must be", "definitely", "I am 100% sure it is totally false", "cannot be disputed -- ever", "are not like that. Period." (in all bold letters, of course). It's like having nails hammered through my skull to read that kind of thing. Especially when following some supposedly logical argument like the above! ARGH !!!!!!!!

If he's an INFp, he's the only INFp I've known who DOES THAT AWFUL STUFF!
Yeah I know, but the thing is, while you and Rick are sensitive to his focus on Se and Ti, quite a few logical types (Ti and Te) tend to see an unnatural use of Te and Ti, and I doubt that the Se ego types see that much Se, either.

Well at least it's clear that Slacker Mom doesn't see a nice relationship of Illusion