Quote Originally Posted by ClownsandEntropy View Post
My knowledge is limited to Socionics theory (i.e. no life experience, hence):

Mirror Relationships
There are no obvious zones of the conflict here. The only drawback of the mirror relationships is that partners may consider each other boring. One partner says: “We need to … and it would be good to … ”; the other says: “ It would be good to … and we need to …”, and both feel like their partner is talking about obvious things that should not even be mentioned. “Why talk so much?!” It is possible that the partner has not even said a word, but is simply working on improving something in the area of my first function. And what is there to do? What needs improving? What for? Everything is just fine! These accusations are absolutely mutual. “He is a good guy, but really boring! What is there to discuss, everything is plain and clear! ”

From - uh - Reinin's Book, I believe.
Wow. We've had this exact fight pretty much. Again and again. The weird part is he doesn't get as irritated about this as I do. I don't really know what his long-term expectations are.

I only know of three mirror relationships and they all ended badly though I think everyone's still friends.