Quote Originally Posted by Sunshine Lively View Post
...not to mention temperaments. IJ is the ring of supervision, conflict, and mirror for me....guess mirror is the best but yeah these relations may be best for friends.

ms. k, are you sure you aren't mistaking mirror for supervisor? i could see how an SLE and an LII could get along...
well I know that the kind im talking about are a certain subtype, I think it's the Ti subtype so they would be "closer" to an ESTp right? It's very distinct feeling they produce in me. It's like someone is taking an ice-cream scoop to my entrails.

Mimey, yes you're absolutely right you can be attracted to someone that's not compatible with you, just from common experience. Sometimes I wonder if such an attraction must always end up indefinitely in defeat/ashes. I have a question for you: is the ENTp you're "insanely attracted to" more attractive than the ESFjs you have met? I know it depends on the ESFj...