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Thread: Mirror Relations: Stories and Experiences

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  1. #24
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    It depends on the person. The one I had the longest experience with was LOTS of fun and got me to do things I probably would have never done without him. At first it was really just a good time...lots of laughing, while exploring some really out there theories. He had me meeting up with groups of people interested in the same things that we were and encouraging me to express myself more because he thought I had excellent intuition. He would also try to override my intuition with his own, so we did clash on that.

    I think he liked to think of himself as a teacher to me, and everyone else, which used to irritate me because I thought he was not taking the time to listen to what I (or others) was saying. He constantly tried to tell me what I "really felt" or what something "really meant" even though many times he was reading me wrong. I retaliated by telling him he was wrong even when he was right to knock him down a peg.

    He was overconfident in his ability to read everything and everyone correctly. He considered himself to have real superpowers and superior to most humans. Sometimes it turned into a battle of egos. Neither of us wanted to give in when it came to things we thought we really knew best, so we dug our heels in. He could even get others to take his side on things by playing on their emotions. That didn't bother me so much as I got to cut some totally unnecessary people from my life that way. I kind of liked that he got them to reveal themselves to me that way. When we eventually split he took them with him and I took those who saw through it with me.

    He also didn't like when I got too much attention and as I have mentioned before, he had a tendency to "push me off the stage" (metaphorically) when he thought I was getting too much attention. After awhile he would exhaust me and I would want to be alone but he constantly tried to keep me engaged. When I would take time to myself he would take it personal. I guess that led to hurt feelings after a while. I probably didn't handle it in the best way. We ended up splitting but now and then we keep in touch. I can't look at his FB without gagging because it is all about how great he is. I still care about him though. The narcissism was a real turn off. I know other EIE who don't have the narc thing and it is easier to just have fun with them but I do it in short bursts.

    I kind of hate sharing about this particular person so much but he is my best example, of a lot of things, when it comes to sharing intertype experiences on this forum. I am really not complaining because I do accept that is how he is and probably won't change much. It did not make for a good long term romantic relationship. Too much ego between him and I. I wonder if this is the most positive post I have made about him.

    p.s. He really is talented but too many people told him he was extra special throughout his life. He let it all go to his head.
    Last edited by Aylen; 01-11-2017 at 01:55 PM.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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