Here is the example of an INTj:
Which of the following do you prefer?

Strong, confident logic. System thinking. Skill to separate the main thing from the secondary. Scrupulousness in the study of facts, the skill to see the connection between them. Bringing in all into the system. Organization of structural order. Rationality, accuracy, systematization, consistency. Analytical turn of mind. Skill in everything to find cause-effect connection tendency toward the abstract, system thinking. Skill to separate the main thing from the secondary. Theorisation, tendency toward the mental labour, the construction of abstract models.

The skill to understand the essence of things and phenomena. Generation of ideas, understanding their prospect and possibilities of realization. Ability to recreate whole on some parts. Mental acuity, rich fantasy, spontaneity, fast response in the non-standard situations, absent-mindedness in private life. Very strong imagination, bright and interesting fantasies. The instantaneous understanding of the possibilities, which allows the situation. Spontaneous decision making. Skill to find way out from any complex ethical situation. Interest in entire new and uncommon. Skill to see the merits of people and the readiness to tell about this to all. Dreamer, inventor. It is inclined to the eccentricity.

I don't particularly prefer one over the other.

I've taken these description from here:

For your own personality type, would your results (through using the above method) correspond with the Gulenko subtype descriptions, which can be found here: