Quote Originally Posted by Diana View Post
I don't listen to a lot of music. When I do feel like listening it has to be fitting to my state of mind, or else it tends to be annoying. I'm just not a big music person, but I can very much enjoy and be moved by it. Eesh, Fi people aren't robots after all
That's pretty much me, too.

Comments on Ezra's and Cyclops's comments: Ezra is right in that I'm not enthusiastic about any band, rock or otherwise. For instance, Rick and others can easily list, and comment on, huge numbers of their favorite bands; I can't, and I'm not particularly interested. That doesn't mean I'm indifferent to music in general; some pieces of music - for many reasons - can move me deeply in many ways, but usually it's due to the Ni+Fi thing as niffweed said; a few pieces can "energize" a bit but it's rare.

I do like classical music, but not everything, and I can't say I know that much about it, either.

I like well-made movie background music that just enhances the feelings I'm getting from the movie itself; however, if I feel it's ham-fisted in an obvious way as in "now, my puppets, this music is going to make you feel this way," then it annoys me.

But, for instance, for anyone who catches the example, the combination of music, image, and the feelings involved as per the last scenes of Citizen Kane, can move me deeply.

What I don't relate to at all is the idea of music - any kind of music - making me feel like dancing. No music has that effect on me at all. The only reason I ever dance - ever - is for the sake of the person I'm with. From that point of view, I'm indeed a robot.