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Thread: Fi valuing types and being aroused by music

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    Default Fi valuing types and being aroused by music

    Does this happen, or because they don't like having their mood changed (i.e. they don't react well to Fe) do they not get mentally aroused; get warm and fuzzy; get spinetingles; get goosebumps; get inspiration; get a rush; get enthusiastic about music that induces these kinds of feelings in them? Do Fi valuers not react to a great piece of music? Is this why their iTunes collection is inexistent?

  2. #2
    olduser's Avatar
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    there is too much to complain about that pretty much everything is going to be put to the wayside.

    no just kidding

    i haven't observed this, but i can't think of any Fi or Te types that i know that are really deeply into grooving music.

  3. #3
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    i can't answer, really. since the marriage, ezra's the only thing that arouses me!
    6w5 sx
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  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by implied View Post
    i can't answer, really. since the marriage, ezra's the only thing that arouses me!
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    yes. music is not something i would "groove to" especially, but i find that certain music can be very stimulating, as long it corresponds to a state of mind i'd be receptive to at a given time.

    it's something i sort of half-consciously associated with Ni + Fi.

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    I like music, but it is not because I like "grooving" to it. Yuck. That creeps me out.
    EII 4w5

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  7. #7
    liveandletlive's Avatar
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    i DEFINITELY get those feelings from music.
    ESFp-Fi sub
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  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Christy B View Post
    I like music, but it is not because I like "grooving" to it. Yuck. That creeps me out.
    What's grooving to music? To me that suggests dancing, but you put it as something more sinister?

  9. #9
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    I have an extensive itunes library, thankyouverymuch.
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  10. #10
    Snomunegot munenori2's Avatar
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    I have to say that music has a special place in my heart. It's great. I love it, really do.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    What's grooving to music? To me that suggests dancing, but you put it as something more sinister?
    Not sinister. Just creepy. The word "grooving" makes me think of someone who is not necessarily dancing but, like, they cannot or do not care to keep control of the expression of their emotions as they are being affected by the superficial enjoyment of the music they are listening to. It seems indiscriminate, makes me uncomfortable, and I experience it as my feelings being invaded. Unless they are joking about “grooving”, by exaggerated "grooving" which I think is really funny.

    (This does not include sincere emotional responses to powerful or meaningful music which affects people deeply. I would not consider this "grooving".)
    EII 4w5

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    Quote Originally Posted by Diana View Post
    I don't listen to a lot of music. When I do feel like listening it has to be fitting to my state of mind, or else it tends to be annoying. I'm just not a big music person, but I can very much enjoy and be moved by it. Eesh, Fi people aren't robots after all
    yeah, i agree with this. i think it's too one dimensional to say that only Fe types can love music or be emotionally affected by music.
    6w5 sx
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diana View Post
    I don't listen to a lot of music. When I do feel like listening it has to be fitting to my state of mind, or else it tends to be annoying. I'm just not a big music person, but I can very much enjoy and be moved by it. Eesh, Fi people aren't robots after all
    That's pretty much me, too.

    Comments on Ezra's and Cyclops's comments: Ezra is right in that I'm not enthusiastic about any band, rock or otherwise. For instance, Rick and others can easily list, and comment on, huge numbers of their favorite bands; I can't, and I'm not particularly interested. That doesn't mean I'm indifferent to music in general; some pieces of music - for many reasons - can move me deeply in many ways, but usually it's due to the Ni+Fi thing as niffweed said; a few pieces can "energize" a bit but it's rare.

    I do like classical music, but not everything, and I can't say I know that much about it, either.

    I like well-made movie background music that just enhances the feelings I'm getting from the movie itself; however, if I feel it's ham-fisted in an obvious way as in "now, my puppets, this music is going to make you feel this way," then it annoys me.

    But, for instance, for anyone who catches the example, the combination of music, image, and the feelings involved as per the last scenes of Citizen Kane, can move me deeply.

    What I don't relate to at all is the idea of music - any kind of music - making me feel like dancing. No music has that effect on me at all. The only reason I ever dance - ever - is for the sake of the person I'm with. From that point of view, I'm indeed a robot.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  15. #15
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    All of my Si valueing friends are pretty obsessed with music. In fact, my ENFP friend is a singer/songwriter.
    I find that I get really depressed if I don't spend a chunk of my day walking around and listening to music. For me, music either sets a mood (sometimes I like it to be consistent with my current mood, other times to diverge so as to change my own mood) or it lets me express emotions that I wouln't normally express.
    One thing that I was thinking about recently is how my ENFJ mother differs in her music taste from me and my INTP father. My father and I are always listening to music (usually Classic Rock or Opera) really loudly in the car and usually singing/screaming/crying along, while my mother is complaining that it's "too loud" and trying to get us to switch to Easy Listening on the lowest volume setting. YUCK.
    I think a plausible explanation for this behavior is that my mom is so emotional and expressive that she doesn't really need an added emotional trigger, whereas my father and I sort of need music to facilitate our own emotions. In particular, I think I feel "safe" to express Fe emotions when I'm listening to music because I can put it in the category of "acting," i.e. I'm allowed to express the emotion because the onus has been removed. For my mom, however, her life IS a stage, so theatrical emotions abound.
    EII; E6(w5)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ezra View Post
    Does this happen, or because they don't like having their mood changed (i.e. they don't react well to Fe) do they not get mentally aroused; get warm and fuzzy; get spinetingles; get goosebumps; get inspiration; get a rush; get enthusiastic about music that induces these kinds of feelings in them? Do Fi valuers not react to a great piece of music? Is this why their iTunes collection is inexistent?
    Music does affect me in emotional ways. Certain songs conjure up images, sensations, places, and emotions from my past. There are some songs that I've heard that when I heard for the first time, just resonated within me in a very powerful way, and continues to do so.

    I'll give you an example of one such song.

    That song still brings me chills when I hear it. I really can't encapsulate what that does for me, but there's so many things happening within me at the same time.

    I feel very strongly about the emotional impact of music when it happens.

    My mood dictates what I listen to as well, and I have a wide range of music I will listen to to accomodate that.

    There are rare occasions at dancing situations (because I rarely find myself at such places) where the music floods me and everything that I'm worried about or care about just gets drowned out, yet I'm not out of control. That happens maybe once every 5 years or so on average.

    Music affects me in very strong ways.

    9w1 sp/sx

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    Quote Originally Posted by tereg View Post
    Music does affect me in emotional ways. Certain songs conjure up images, sensations, places, and emotions from my past. There are some songs that I've heard that when I heard for the first time, just resonated within me in a very powerful way, and continues to do so.

    I feel very strongly about the emotional impact of music when it happens.

    My mood dictates what I listen to as well, and I have a wide range of music I will listen to to accomodate that.

    Music affects me in very strong ways.
    I'd agree with these parts of Tereg's post as far as how music relates to me. I've found that If i'm in a mood that I'd rather not be in then I can easily just play the right music and cure that. However, there's also those songs that I hear and a bad memory may just pop right in there and screw that up just as easily. I've never played an instrument or sang a song that sounded worth a crap, but I'd say music is a very big part of my life and always has been.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ezra View Post
    I seriously think he's not that interested in music. Maybe it's a trend with all LIEs, maybe not.
    It's not. Not all LIEs, in any case.

    Quote Originally Posted by cracka View Post
    I've found that If i'm in a mood that I'd rather not be in then I can easily just play the right music and cure that.
    My case is just the opposite: I cannot change my mood by music; I can only underline it. If I feel bad, I need depressive music to get the catharsis. If I feel good, I need no music. As to the reaching of cathartic state, it is much better if I play, rather than to listen to music. Somehow, playing droning, wailing blues when I'm down burns through my depression very quickly. The people who have heard me play said that those "songs" (they are all improvisations) are extremely expressive. There are no recordings.
    XXXx <-- almost a beer

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    Quote Originally Posted by emeye View Post
    My case is just the opposite: I cannot change my mood by music; I can only underline it.
    This is how it is for me as well. Music tends to underscore how I'm feeling at a given moment, but not change my mood. That's why I said it accomodates how I feel.

    9w1 sp/sx

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    Yeah, what emeye and tereq said.

    If I'm depressed, to even try to change my mood by playing "good-mood music" just makes me feel worse.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  21. #21
    reyn_til_runa's Avatar
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    for me, music carries with it an emotional content that should reflect an already existent mood state. i am very picky and often change songs/genres for quite some time until something resonates. as far as being moved by music, i would say not moved into some other mood state very often (as that is not why i listen to music), but certainly brought into reflective or trance-like states. it can also enhance my concentration or act as a prop to keep me grounded and relaxed. sometimes i play a song on repeat for days, in which case the music seems almost like proof that i exist in x mood and suggests there is something static about my feelings or at least in how i perceive them.

    i have a huge itunes collection, btw, and too many cds to count....

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    I wonder if F types (regardless of Fi vs Fe) are moved emotionally by music more in general than T types. This has tended to be my observation. I would be an exception to this. I'm an INTj and am easily moved by many different types of music.

    I tend to select music that already fits my current mood more than select music to get me into a certain mood. I also find that being exposed to certain music in the background (i.e. in a store or restaurant) can put me in a certain mood, even alter it.

    I've also noticed that some people tend to be more emotionally moved by the lyrics in music while others don't care much about the lyrics but may be moved by the melody, the beat, or the beautiful sound of someone's voice. I'm definitely fit the latter description.

    Someone on a different message board mentioned that for him, the lyrics had to be personally meaningful for him to enjoy the song. Even if he enjoys the melody, the rhythm, etc., if the lyrics aren't to his liking, it ruins the whole song for him, making it unlistenable. For me its the opposite. Many of the songs I like, when you think about it, have really dumb or meaningless lyrics but I still listen to it because its got a good melody, beat, rhythm, etc. Most of the time, I don't even pay attention to the lyrics. I'm far more interested in how something sounds musically and what effect that has on me.

    This same person also mentioned that most music without lyrics is just noise to him. He said classical music sounds 'pretty' but when you think about it, its just noise. Its as if he needs lyrics for it to be meaningful. Whereas I can listen to a purely instrumental piece and find it personally meaningful and very enjoyable.

    I'm curious about how this might relate to socionics types. I don't know this man's socionics type. He is a Myers-Briggs INFP. Maybe there isn't much of a type correlation but its fun to think about.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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